Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
My mom let me sleep in the next morning. Which I was happy about. It was about 7:30 when I had to get up to take Alic to school, even then I stayed in my sweats and tank top. "Emily are you OK?" That was Alic. "No Alic, I am not OK. I've done something I told myself I wouldn't do until I was at least a junior in college." "And what's that?" "Love someone." "What's so bad about loving someone?" "Nothing, I love the feeling. It's just... I fell for is the wrong guy." "Who would that be?" "Bryan. I'm crushing on the bad boy. And I'm crushing hard. He said I would never have a chance with him. The sad part is, I couldn't do anything to stop any of this." "Emily I'm sorry." "It's OK. How are you and Jake doing?" He blushed. "Oo, tell me everything!" I said while pulling up to the school. "I will after school." He the got out of the car and jogged over to Jake who was as usual leaning against the flag pole. I drove out of his school's parking lot and started driving to meet my mom at my school. ...Time Skip... It's official, I start online English and Science classes tomorrow, and my counselor said if I finish early I can just kick back and relax for the rest of the school year. Right now I was just getting out of the shower when my phone went off. It was a text.
Emily, I know I've been a complete asshole to you. But I just want you to know that, that girl at the dinner on Saturday didn't mean anything to me. My dad made me bring her because, he's trying to win over her dad for your dad's company. I'm really sorry, for the things I've said. I still want to be friends. -Bryan. I contemplated answering him or not, I then thought why not question him.
If you're so sorry, why did you say them in the first place? -Emily.
I was mad at my dad, I took it out on you. I really didn't mean any of the words I said. -B
That still doesn't make things better! You hurt me. You took any confidence I had and smashed it into pieces. -E By now I was dressed and laying on my bed. Yes, I know and I'm really truly, deeply sorry Emily. I never meant to hurt you. I would never purposefully do anything to hurt you. -B
OK, fine. But your going to have to earn my trust back. You really hurt me. -E
Anything to get you back. ;) -B
Oh, Bryan. I'm sorry for calling you all thoughs mean names. -E
You called me mean names? -B
Yeah, in Spanish.... I may or may not have called you a bitch and a dickhead. -E
Jeez, I'm sorry. -B
Quit apologizing! That's my job. I'm the one that thinks I do everything wrong. -E
You have nothing to apologize for. You had every right to call me thoughs things. All though, why a bitch? -B
It was the first thing that popped into my head. -E
OK well, I've gotta get to class. You know how Mr. Bercolzeis. -B
OK, have fun! -E
I put my phone down on my bed and walked downstairs. My mom left for work right after we were done at my school. So I was alone until I had to go get Alic. I checked what we had in the fridge for food, which happened to be nothing that I wanted. I sighed and headed back upstairs to get dressed. It was supposed to be rainy today so I'll wear my leather jacket, with my grayish white ripped skinny jeans, my Nirvana crop top, with some black Vans.
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I grabbed my car keys, my phone and my pursue and walked out the front door and into the cold day. I drove to the nearest Starbucks and parked my car, I checked the time. It was about lunch time for Alic. I called him. He didn't answer. "Whatever, I was going to be a nice person and buy you Starbucks but, you no answer." I said after the beep, then hung up. I got out of my car and walked into the store. My anxiety instantly spiked. I walked up to the register. "Hello, how may I help you?" Said a smiling guy behind the counter. "Y-yeah, can I get a Venti Carmel macchiato." "Hot or cold?" "H-hot please." "Anything else?" He asked after he wrote on my cup. "Y-yes please, I would also like a breakfast sandwich." "OK, can I get a name for the pretty girl?" "Emily." I said blushing. He didn't look to much older then me, maybe a couple of years but I only had my eyes on one guy right now. "Your order will be right with you, Emily." He said turning away. I went and stood by the pick up counter, and pulled out my phone. I had a text and missed call from Alic. I opened the text.
Emily, I'm sorry I didn't answer you. I was a little preoccupied. -Alic
What can you be so in to that you can't answer the phone for your sister? -Emily
I was with Jake. -A
Oooo ;) -E
Em stop it. The bell just rang I'll tell you all about it when you pick me up. -A
K -E I then put my phone away because my name had been called for my order. I quickly got it from the girl and walked back out to my car. I sat my drink in the cup holder and my sandwich in the passenger seat. I started the engine and drove home. When I got there I ate my food, drank my coffee and watched Shameless. By the time I had watched two episodes it was time to go get Alic. I turned off the TV and drove to his school. I spotted him before he saw me. He was talking to Jake. I was about to beep the horn when Jake leaned over and kissed Alic on the cheek. Jake then walked away and got into his parents car. Alic then spotted my car and ran over to me, jumping into the passenger seat. "I saw that." I said in a teasing voice. "Saw what?" He said blushing. "Oh you know, that kiss Jake just gave you." I said while starting to drive. His blush went even deeper. "What's going on between the two of you?" "Well, he kinda asked me to the dance that's coming up next weekend. And I said yes... It's getting pretty serious, Em. He likes me just as much as I like him." "That's great Alic! I'm happy for you." I smiled at him, and his blush grew deeper. Who know that deep of blush was possible. I pulled into the driveway. "Thanks Em, I'm glad you're on my side." "I'll always be there for you." He smiled at me. We got out of the car and went inside. "I'll be in my room if you need me Alic." "OK, I'll be doing homework and texting Jake." "OK!" I said while walking into my room. I flopped down on my bed and pulled out my phone, opening Tumblr. From there I got sucked into the one thing I do best, reading fanfiction.
A/N: Oh my god, I'm so sorry it took me so long to update! I was moving and I didn't have any time to write. Then there's school, let's not start on that... I just want to thank you guys for staying and reading my book! You guys are awesome! XOXO~ Kaimee20