Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
Let's get one thing clear, Halloween is by far my favorite holiday. What is today might you ask? Halloween. My parents decided to throw an all ages party. The younger kids go trick or treating, like Alic and Haylee, then us older teens can stay and party. What am I going as, might you ask? I'm going to be Harley Quinn, my favorite Suicide Squad Character. No I won't have my Joker but I don't need him. This Harley can survive without her puddin' mostly because I don't have one. "Mum!" My mom walked in a minute later. "Yes dear? And what's with the accent?" "I need you're professional cosmetic help. And I don't know, it just happens sometimes." "OK, well what do you need help with?" I pulled out my phone and showed her a picture of the makeup I needed.
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"OK, seems easy enough. Let's get started. Sit your ass on the toilet and get comfortable, we're gonna be here for a minute." I giggled at her and did what she said. She then started doing her work. About an hour later she was done. I looked in the mirror and inspected her work. "Thanks mom. I love it." "No problem darlin'. I'm gonna go do everyone else's makeup now." "OK, I'm gonna finish getting ready." She nodded and left. I carefully striped my clothes. I pulled on my fishnet tights, then my red and blue shorts, then to finish off my waist I strapped on my studded belt. As carefully as I could I pulled on my shirt that says 'Daddy's lil Monster', then strapped on my gun holsters. I then put on a bald cap making sure to get all of my hair in it, then put on my white, blue, and pink wig. I clipped on my choker that says puddin' and slipped on my one my fingerless glove. Before I put my gold spiked bracelet on I put in blue contacts. Then to finish off the look I pulled on my boots.
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I sighed, looking in my full length mirror. The whole outfit hugged my body perfectly. I turned to the side. My normally flat butt, now looked full. I sighed, and turned back to the front. "Listen here anxiety, there will be no drinking. So you better keep you mierda (shit) together." I said. I heard the music start downstairs. I left my room, with my phone in hand, scrolling through Tumblr. Which is apparently a bad idea while walking down the stairs, because the next thing I know I'm running into a purple covered back. This person was taller than me, so it knocked me backwards. "Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." I said, standing up. Not paying attention to the person I ran into. "No problem, Harley." I finally looked up at the person. This person had slicked back, sprayed green hair, and was shirtless underneath of the purple coat. I'll give you one wild guess who it was behind all the things that made him the Joker. That's right, Bryan. "Puddin'!" I said jumping at him, giving him a tight hug. He chuckled at me. We've become really great friends, I'd dare say he's my best friend. My mom walked in a moment later. "Did you guys do that on purpose?" "Nope it just kinda happened." I said looking at our costumes. She chuckled and shook her head at us. The next thing I know Alic, came down the stairs in his Black Butler suit. He would rather dress as an animé character then anything else. This year he even convinced Jake to dress up as a character from the same show. Jake was right behind Alic coming down the stairs. They looked adorable in their outfits.