Chapter 15

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The next morning I woke up just to run to the bathroom. I puked. When did I eat tacos? I felt someone rubbing my back, and holding my hair out of my face.
"It's OK Emily." It was Bryan. My puking stopped and I flushed it down the toilet leaning my head on the cool porcelain. "I'll get you some ibuprofen and coffee for that headache of yours. I'll be right back." I could only nod. What happened last night? Think Emily, think. I tried my best to think it through, about what had happened. But it hurt to much. About a minute later Bryan came back. I sat up off the toilet and took the coffee and the ibuprofen from him and taking them.
"Bryan what happened last night?"
"Well, you got very drunk and wanted tacos. So I made you some. You drank two bottles of fruit infused Vodka. You danced and I watched. Mason and the seniors on the football team made you have an attack. I calmed you down. You thanked me for everything, kissed me on the cheek and fell asleep on my chest." I stared at him wide eyed. He watched me dance? No one has ever done that, not even my parents. They know I can't dance in front of people, so they stay upstairs while I'm dancing.
"You watched me dance? For how long?"
"I said all of what you did last night, and you're more worried about me watching you dance?"
"That's not the only thing I'm worried about that. I'm furious with my brother for making have an attack, but no one is allowed to watch me dance. The last time someone watched me I had a really bad attack, like to the point where I passed out."
"Oh, I didn't know that. You seemed fine until you're brother triggered your attack, and it wasn't a bad one. It lasted only a couple of minutes, and that was only because I got you upstairs."
"Well thank you." I smiled at him. He stared at me. I stopped smiling. "What?" I asked.
"You have a beautiful smile. You should smile more often." He said.
"What is there to smile about? I have social anxiety, and a mild case of depression. I don't smile because there's nothing to smile about, yes I smile with my mouth closed. But that doesn't mean anything, because it's a false smile. The last time I really truly smiled was almost 2 years ago. You know the time that I actually had a boyfriend and friends. I mean the friend count wasn't that high, but still."
"What happened? Why did they leave you?"
"Well, I went to surprise my boyfriend at his house and me being me, just walked in without knocking. I heard noises coming from his room, so me being the idiot that I am, I followed  the noise. I walked in and there they were. My best friend and my boyfriend, going at it like dogs in heat. I yelled and ran down stairs, he ran after me, still very naked. Saying that he was sorry and that it was her who came onto him. I knew I was dating a player, I just didn't want to believe it. I called him a lier and ran out. The day after that, I tried to convince my other friend to side with me, but she knew it was going on, and it had apparently been going on for months before I caught them. I was ready to give myself to him, that's why I was going to surprise him. They all left me after that, and my anxiety grew worse. Now here I am, with you as my only friend."
"I'm sorry Emily. Hey I'm not that bad am I?" I smiled and giggled at his comment.
"No, you're amazing. And you're the only one who's been able to calm down my attacks, and that's why I started crushing on you."
"You have a crush on me?" He asked wide eyed.
"You didn't know? I thought you knew 'cause of the night at the restaurant."
"Emily, I was just teasing you about you liking me."
"Oh, I seriously thought you knew." He shook his head.
"Emily, I was joking." He said with a light blush on his cheeks.
"Oh." I said putting my head down.
"OK, well I'm gonna go. My mom is probably wondering where I am." I only nodded in response. He then left me sitting there on the floor of my bathroom wondering what I was going to do. I stood up off of the ground and got undressed to get ready for a shower. I quickly got in and washed my body not caring about my hair. I got out and pulled on sweatpants and pulled on my undertail shirt. I then walked downstairs and into the kitchen to get something to eat. And there I was met with my brother and the entire senior part of the football team. I then remembered was Bryan said. I narrowed my eyes at my pig of a brother.
"Mason!" I yelled. He saw my face and started to slowly back out of the room. "Not so fast Mister. You are in so much shit! You know I have anxiety! Even though I was very drunk doesn't mean my anxiety will instantly got away! You knew how bad being watched is for me, yet you get the whole football team to watch me! You are so stupid, it's hard to believe that you're my brother! You are an idiot! You know as well as anyone how hard it is for me to go day in and day out with this condition, yet Bryan cares more then you fucking do!" By now all the guys were watching and Mason had sank down into one of the bar stools. Mason had a slight blush on his face. "I can't even begin to tell you how pissed off I am at you!" I walked over to the cupboard grabbed a bowl, a spoon, the milk and my favorite cereal. "I'll be in my room. I'm not helping clean this mess." I then took all of that and went back to my room. There wasn't much milk left so it'll be OK up in my room. I shut my door, sat down on my bed, turned on Shameless and started eating my Fruit Loops. That's how the rest of my day was. Eating cereal, watching Shameless, and thinking about how stupid I was for letting it slip that I liked Bryan.

A/N: Oh my God I'm so sorry! I'm terrible, I try so hard to update faster then I normally do, yet here I am updating after what? A week or so... I'm so sorry I made you guys wait so long. School is literally been the only thing on my mind lately, being a senior in high school is really crazy. So again I'm so sorry for not updating sooner.

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