Chapter 40

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A/N: So before this chapter starts, I honestly hope that things aren't moving too fast for you guys after reading this next chapter. But I felt like this was best thing for the next chapter of their lives. Hope you enjoy it!!

***Bryan's P.O.V.***
...the day after graduation...
I've been thinking about this for a long time, About a month now. I really do love Emily, I just need to ask Jason. I hope he gives the OK... I sighed knocking on the door of the Smith house hold, knowing that Emily wouldn't be here. I took a deep breath and waited for someone to answer the door. Jason answered the door. I smiled at him, he smiled back.
"Bryan, what a surprise but Emily isn't here. She's at work til later."
"I know sir, it's you who I've come to see." He looked shocked to say the least.
"Of course. Come on in." He stood a side and let me in I walked in and he closed the door. "Let's go to my office, no else is here and I work from home today." I nodded fallowing his lead. When we got to his office we sat down, him behind his desk and me in one of the chairs in front of it. I took a deep breath. Getting even more nervous then I was a seconds before.
"What's on your mind Bryan?"
"Well, I, umm..." I said nervously. I hate feeling nervous, it makes me feel weak. I sighed and started talking again. "Sir, I really love your daughter. More then I love my own mother. She's my whole world, I couldn't imagine life without her. I'm only doing this because I know it means the world to her that I ask you this. And I know that you want a say in this as well. It would mean the world to me if you would say yes." He nodded saying carry on. "I wanted to know if, I could ask your daughter's hand in marriage?" I finally said it. It's now out in the open. I looked up from my hands in my lap and Jason had a huge smile on his face. He stood up and I fallowed his lead, by standing up myself. He pulled me into one of those bro hug things then let go of my hand and just hugged me. He finally pulled away after about a minute. His eyes full of unshed tears.
"I honestly thought I would never hear those words from any boy for Emily. Yes I love her and I want it for her, but with her anxiety I thought it would never happen." I was confused as all hell. I had no clue if this was a yes or a no.
"So is that a..?" He cut me off.
"That's definitely a yes." He said smiling. I sighed in relief.
"To be perfectly honest with you sir, I thought you were going to kill me for asking this, this early in our lives."
"I could never kill a guy who my daughter is completely and hopelessly in love with." I chuckled while scratching the back of my neck.
"Now, I have something that Kat has kept hidden since her mom died. Saying that it was for one of our daughters." He said walking over to a safe that was hidden behind a picture of all of the Smiths'. He opened it and pulled out a ring box. He slammed the safe closed and walked over to me, putting the box in my hand. I opened the box, the ring inside was perfect for Emily. "The ring was Kat's mom's. The night Kat's mom died, she wasn't wearing her ring. Emily, Kat's mom, and her dad had gotten into a really big fight. Kat's mom took off the ring and hadn't worn it for a couple off days. Seeing as though Kat and her mom shared a jewelry box, she took all of the jewelry when her mom died. Including the ring." I was speechless to say the least. "So I want you to take this ring and give it to Emily. I feel like Emily will also take care of this way more than Haylee will." He chuckled at himself. "I'll call Kat and tell her what's going on." I put the box I to my pocket.
"Thank you so much, Jason." He patted my back.
"You're welcome. Now, if you hurt my daughter I will kill you."
"I would never intentionally hurt Emily. She's my everything, I wouldn't be able to hurt her without hurting myself in the process." We then said our goodbyes. I left and started planing how I would do it.

***Emily's P.O.V.*** continued.
...present time...
We had been driving for maybe an hour now. I was getting bored. We were on the freeway, heading south. It was around 1 in the afternoon. He pulled off onto one of the many Salt Lake City exits. We drive another 10-15 minutes before he parked in front of the Clark Planetarium. I love this place, I love learning how the universe works. Although I already know a lot, I still want to learn more. I smiled at Bryan and quickly jumped out of the car. I waited for Bryan, he was just chuckling at me. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the Planetarium. We jumped for one activity to the next. 3 hours later we had looked and had done everything in the building. We left the Planetarium and went to the food court for the mall a couple blocks down. I was having an amazing time, when we finished eating we walked back to the car and started driving again. I fell asleep at some point, I woke up when the car came to a stop. I looked around and was unfamiliar with my surrounds. The sun was still up, so I could see everything just fine.
"Bryan where are we?"
"We're at the lake. On Antelope Island to be exact." I nodded and got out of the car. I don't know why I didn't recognize my favorite place in Utah until he said it. I loved it here, the smell of the lake, the sound of the slight waves lapping at the sand. We walked down onto the beach area. We just walked and talked about random things, hand in hand. I stopped and looked out onto the lake. I closed my eyes and breathed in the salty air. Smiling at the beauty of everything.

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