Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
It's Monday today, and my dad is forcing me to go to school. I'm in ripped grayish black skinny jeans with a gray and black pull over hoodie, a black beanie that I can't really wear inside the school. Black sunglasses, a black, white and gray book bag all pulled together with my galaxy high tops. I also changed my phone case to my Twenty One Pilots one, and had some black bullet shaped earbuds.
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Mason was kind enough to wait for me at our usual parking spot, after I parked we walked in and went to the consoling office to explain why I was gone for so long. I felt like poo, I still just wanted to cry. Bryan tried to text me but I never replied. I don't think I could have taken any of his excuses. My dad doesn't know that Bryan hurt me, thank God because I think he would have hurt him. "Hello, what can I do for you two?" It was the receptionist. "Yes we're here to speak to our consular, our mom said she want to see us." Mason explained because I don't think I could have done it. I haven't been my normal cheery self since Saturday and it's starting to worry everyone. "OK, go on in." Mason thanked her and we walked into the little office within an office. "Mason, Emily! It's nice to see you." "Our mom said you wanted to speak with us?" "Oh yes. I just wanted to know why Emily here has been gone." "I had the Flu last week." "And she speaks.." Said Mason. I jabbed him in the side with my elbow. Yeah I haven't been speaking much either, I think it easier to not talk while going though this kinda thing. "I'm a mean sick person, so I try not to talk while I'm sick." She nodded in understanding, not knowing the real reason behind my silence. Just then the bell rang. "OK, you two get to class." I nodded and Mason and I made our way to our classroom. ...time skip... So far, I've only had only a little bit of anxiety. It's lunch time now. "Emily, why haven't you answered any of my calls or texts?" Well until now anyway, Bryan just had to confront me. "Oh, I don't know Bryan because you were a dick Saturday." Mason answered for me. "I didn't ask you, Mason. I asked your sister." "Well Bryan if you must know, she hasn't been talking to anyone since Saturday. She talked this morning but after that she's done nothing but listen to music, and she didn't even talk to me. She talked to our counselor. All she does is, listen to that music of her's." I'm glad he didn't mention the fact that I had been crying. "Why haven't you talked? Are you OK?" He asked worried, I looked down at my feet. Not being able to make any more eye contact, I felt the tears coming. I hid behind Mason and grabbed his hand, hopping he'd get the clue to get me out of here before they started. He tried to look at me but couldn't see me because I was, well, behind him. I could feel people around us watching the scene unfold. Many pairs of eyes watching. Stopping to watch the bad boys of the school 'fighting' over little old me. I hid my face in my brothers back, come on. Not in the middle of lunch. I only have one class left. It's a good thing I didn't have any makeup on. At first it was the sweat, then it's the breathing. Then the shaking and crying begins. Mason felt me shaking before the crying started. Mason turned around and pulled me into a hug. "Emily, concentrate on my voice. My Cologne. What's my eye color? What flavor of gum do you have in your mouth? What type of fabric do you feel under you hands?" I wasn't calming down. It was just getting worse. "Bryan you try. My tactics aren't working." At this point I was willing to try anything. "OK, but we need to get her away from all these people." We started walking, my brother being my guide. I had no clue where we were going, but I know that the attack was only getting worse. When we got to where we we're going, Mason passed me over to Bryan. My shaking had became more violent by the time we got to where we were going. I was crying. My emotions were everywhere. I took one smell of Bryan's Cologne and slowly started to stop crying. "It'll be OK, please just take a deep calming breath. In, out. In and out." I tried to do as he said. I was slowly starting to clam down. After a few minutes I was back to normal. I stayed where I was for a few minutes without realizing who's arms I was in, comfortable in the electric shock that was going throughout my body. That was until he spoke. "There, are you OK now?" I brought myself out of the trance I was in and pushed away from him. Still not talking. "Damn it. I thought that having an anxiety attack would help. I thought it would work." "You thought what would work?" I asked. "I thought making you have an attack would help you start talking again. And apparently it didn't..." I turned to Bryan. "Were you in on this?!" He gave a guilty look. "Que te jodan!....." I then started ranting and swearing in Spanish. My brothers eyes were wide, he was the only one who could understand what I was saying. Where as Bryan had no clue. I said something along the lines of, fuck you! You two are dicks! I will talk when I want to. I'm in pain, I want to not talk and fill the whole that's in my heart with food. So just leave me the fucking hell alone!... So that's was I said, after I stomped on Mason's foot. I then walked to my car cause we were at Bryan's car. I threw my bag in my back seat and drove to my special place. When I got there I started dancing. ....time skip.... Right now it was about 10 at night, and I got to my special place around 3. So I was there for a good 7 hours. My parents are going to be pissed. When I pulled into my driveway all the lights were still still on. I parked my car and turned it off. I sighed sadly. I grabbed my bag and sweater out of the backseat and got out of the car. I slowly walked up the front steps. I unlocked the door and walked in, ignoring all the stares I was getting. "Emily Smith, where have you been?!" That was my dad. "I was at my special place." I said looking down at the floor. "Till 10:30 at night?" I didn't answer. "Answer me." I still didn't answer. "Your attitude has been real shity lately, little lady. You're grounded for a week!" My dad yelled. I looked up at him. "What no dad! There's a...." He cut me off. "I don't want to hear it. No phone, no TV, no computer and no friend." "It's not like I have any friends any way! So go a head take my things it's not going to change the fact that the guy I like crushed me and that my twin brother is a dick head!" I then turned a round and ran upstairs. I slammed my bedroom door sliding down it crying. After a few minutes there was a knock on my door. I slide over so they could come in. It was my mom and dad. "Emily, are you OK?" My mom asked while sitting down next to me. "Do I seem OK to you? Mason made me have an anxiety attack in the middle of lunch, just to make me talk. The reason I stopped talking is because the guy I like told me I wasn't good enough for him. I feel like I wanna die mom. I don't want to go to school, I don't want to talk to him, I don't want anything to do with him." "Well, we can get you into the online courses like you want." My dad said. "I would like that." "OK, but he's your brothers friend. So I can't promise you won't ever see or hear from him. Plus he's my employee's son." "Yes I know dad." "I'll come with you to school tomorrow so we can get you taking the online courses. I know you already have almost all your credits but you still need to take the classes you need. Which would be what?" My mom asked. "Umm, I think that would be English and Science. And the only reason I really need Science is because I didn't take it in 9th grade. All the rest of the I don't even have a 4th or 8th period because I had all my credits." "Oh, well. I don't see why you need to do the online thing we can just drop the rest. You can just do English and Science. Go for 4 hours instead of all 8." My dad said. "No dad, going to school is what is causing me to have so many attacks. I was just fine today until, Mason and the guy I like started purposefully arguing about me. But the only reason why I was fine was because I thought Mason was helping me." He sighed. "OK fine. We'll get you onto online schooling." "Thank you dad!" I then jumped up and hugged him. "And you're not grounded." He said hugging me back. "Thank you." I pulled away from him and hugged my mom. "No problem, kiddo. Now get some sleep." They then left. I changed out of my days clothes and into my PJs. I then crawled into bed. Falling asleep a few minutes later.
A/N: Another chapter, yay! Thank you so much for reading still! XOXO ~Kaimee20