Chapter 61

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...Alic and Jake's wedding...
**Alic's P.O.V.**
Today's the day. The day I get Married to Jake and become a Snow. Jake, what can I say about him? He has become my life. He's kind and sweet, he takes everything into consideration. He thinks about what he says before he says it, esspesally when I'm pissed off at him. He has a bit of a temper sometimes, but I know how to deal with it because.. well because of me growing up with two sisters who have bad tempers. As I watch Haylee put the finishing touches on Emily's Make-up. I smile at how beutiful my sisters are. Emily has been really depressed lately because of the miscarriage. We thought that the wedding would help, but so far it hasn't helped. She's cried like twice now, she's trying not to i can tell. But she's just so down. I really hope they have another baby soon, or she'll be depressed forever. As I closed my eyes trying to calm myself, my mom said that it was time for the walk. My mom will be handing me over to Jake today, just because it's not what society calls normal; we decided to reverse eveything. The vows I'm saying I've heard a million times, because of a show called Game Of Throne. I've been replaying them in my head all day. I added a little bit more to it though. Emily walked down the isle first with Bryan, I could tell she had on a fake smile because I knew she didn't want to be here right now. Then Haylee and Benji, her boyfriend at the time. I know she's getting ready to break his pore little heart after the reception. My mom looked my hand through her arm.
"Don't let me fall mom." She giggled and said.
"I would never." We then entered the door. I looked down the isle, and there he stood waiting for me in all his glory. My eyes met his and his met mine, his face beamed with happiness. Mine probably showing the same. My mom handed me to Jake. Doing what my dad did at Emily's wedding. I could hear Maddie in the back ground of everything giggling, probably because she saw her mom and dad.
"We are gathered here today to join these men in holy matrimony. I have come to an understanding that they have written their own vows. Alic you go first." I nodded and looked at Jake, who's eyes shone very brightly. I started saying my vows.
"Father. Smith. Warrior. Mother. Maiden. Crone. Stranger. I am his, and he is mine, from this day, until the end of my days; I will love you forever Jake Snow. You are my rock, and savior, my everything. I know that you can't put a number on things but let's just start with forever." I smiled at him and placed the ring on his finger. "So I take this ring and give it to you as a symbol as my forever."
"Jake your turn." Jake cleared his throat and started.
"Alic Smith; With this hand." He lifting his hand that was holding mine
"I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never be empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, if I had one on me, I will light your way into darkness." He paused and pulled out the ring, sliding it onto my finger. "With this ring, I ask you to be mine. I will love you to the ends of time and space Alic, but until that moment let's just do forever." I smiled at all the movie and show references that we had in our vows. Mine and Game Of Thrones and Twilight. His were from the Corpse Bride and Doctor Who.
"Do you take each other as man and husband?" We looked at each other and said at the same time.
"I do."
"I do."
"Perfect, you may now kiss the groom." We leaned in for a kiss and.....

***Dun. Dun. Dun.***
A/N: Well cliffhanger... sorry about that.. But I needed something to work on for the big announcement that's coming! Stay tuned for it! Hope you liked it!

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