Emily Smith, the girl no body notices. The girl that is so antisocial the only people she talks to is her family. The girl who has trust issues. The girl that has social anxiety to the point where she has difficulties getting out of bed...
...Alic's P.O.V... Man I don't ever want kids. Don't get me wrong I love the older kids, the ones you don't really have to keep an eye in 24/7. Maddie isn't in that group of kids. I'm just glad I didn't have to watch her by myself while Emily and Bryan were gone. I would have gone insane if it wasn't for Jake and my siblings. I'm looking through my clothes at the moment. Not knowing what at to wear on my date with Jake tonight. "Emily!" I yelled out to my sister, Haylee is at work so I couldn't ask for her advise. She came running into my room. "Yeah Alic?" "I don't know what to wear. Help." "Ok." She said pushing me out of the way of the closet. She inspected mine and Jake's closet. She ran her hands over each fabric. She than shook her head at everything. "None of this will do." She then walked out of the room. I groaned in annoyance, normally she is helpful. I flopped down onto the bed back first, rubbing my face with my hands taking deep breaths. I then heard the sound of Emily's heels on the wood floor of the hallway by my room. I sat up on my bed and looked over at the door way. Emily appeared with a black and white ombre bag. "For a minute there I thought you had given up on me Em." I said smiling at here. "If there's one thing I wont do, Is give up one you or anyone I love." She said smiling back at me. "What's in the bag Em?" She looked down at the bag. "Well I was going to give it to you as a congrats on graduating present when you first got here, but I was so tired and then Bryan whisked me off to an amazing one week trip. I just now remembered that I had it. And well now might be as good a time as any to give it too you." She said handing it over to me. I gently took the expensive looking bag from her, looking inside. I stood up setting the bag on the bed and pulling out the top Item. it was a slim rectangular box wrapped in silver paper. I looked over at the other side of the bed were Emily was sitting, and she was just smiling. I unwrapped the box carefully. I sat the box on the bed and pulled the top of it off. Inside was a nice silky black button up shirt inside. I unfolded it and laid it on the bed. I looked inside of the bag again there was two more boxes wrapped in silver. I raised and eyebrow, pulling out another flat rectangular box. I unwrapped it and pull the lid off. Inside was a pair of black to blue ombre pants. I put them with the shirt. I then pulled out a shoe box sized box. Unwrapping it, the label on the outside of the box read, CONVERCE. I smiled at the familiar letters. Converce is my favorite brand of shoe. I opened the top of the box, inside was a pair of shoes the same color as the pants.
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I walked around the bed to Emily and pulled her into a hug. Me and her are about the same highth, I'm just a couple inches taller. "Thank you Em. You always know how to help me." I said. "No problem. Now,..." she said pulling away from the hug. "Let's get you ready." I turned on some music. I listen to mostly punk, commonly mistaken for pop punk and/or rock depending on the band. Emily smiled as the first cords of Mr.Brightside by The Killers played through the speackers. Emily has a very weird music fettish. Mason calls her a music whore, meaning she listens to any and all music except for Blue Grass (A/N: Blue Grass is like country but more twangy, I don't really like but everyone in my family does.) I got in the shower and did everything I need too. When I got out, I just pull on some boxers so I don't get my outfit dirty while getting ready. Emily sat me on the toilet and started to taime my wild main. I have hobbit hair, which means it's really curly. That is until I straighten the shit out of it. Which is what Emily is doing, straightening the shit out of my died black hobbit hair. "Alic I don't see why you straighten your hair, you look a bit like John Snow off of Game Of Thrones when it's curly." "Why are people always telling me that?" "Because it's true. Your hair is curly and brownish black like his. Plus sometimes you act like him. So there for you are John Snow." I rolled my eyes at Emily's conclusion. "If I'm John Snow, then you're Arya. Haylee is Sansa and Mason is Bran." She giggled at my realization "Ah yes, all the Stark children back together at last." She said in her best accent. By the time my hair was completely flat against my forehead we had gotten so into the roles of John and Arya that we couldn't stop talking in accents. I changed my clothes, into the clothes Emily got me. Jake got ready up in Emily and Bryan's room, while I got ready in ours. As I walk out into the living room Jake noticed me, he smiled his thousand watt smile at me. I blushed and looked down. I'm acting like a girl. He walked up to me and pulled me into a hug. He then whispered into my ear. "You look beautiful my love." I blushed a deeper red then before and Emily smiled at me taking a picture on her phone. "You ready?" He asked after pulling away. I nodded my response. We left the house and started our drive to wherever he was taking me. When we got to our destination we were at the beachfront hub for Japanese favorites called Nobu Malibu. It's one of my favorite places to eat. We got seated and ordered our food. As we sat and ate, we talked about nothing and everything. When we finished and paid we took a walk on the beach, hand in hand. We came across a little cove, the moon shining and reflecting off the little wading pool, that washed up into the little patch of trees. I let go of Jake's hand and walked over to the little pool. Looking into the clear bluey (a/n: is that even a word?) abyss of the water. I smiled as I watched the tiny fish and sea life move around in the pool. I know I seem girly, but I'm a gay boy who grew up with two sisters and one brother who was always out and about. I grew into the girly things after finally coming out, and it doesn't help that Im bottom. I kept watching the fish dart back and forth wondering which one was more like me. I then spotted a grey, slow moving starfish next to a more colorful slow moving starfish. I pointed at them and started talking to Jake. "Hey Jake, look it's us as starfish." He walked up behind me and looked at where my finger was pointing. He chuckled. "Yep definitely us." I then went back to watching all the other fish. I was brought back out of my thoughts when Jake cleared his throght. I turned around smiling. The smile dropped from my face and a look of suprise replaced it. I didn't come face to chest with him like I normally do, instead I came face to well... tree. I looked down a little bit and saw He was on his knees, looking nervous. "Jake? What's wrong?" I said walking up to him. I was about to get level with him but he stopped me. "No don't, you need to be standing and I need to be on my knees." I gave him a questioning look. "Alic James Smith, (a/n: please let me know if i had a middle name for him before, I don't remember if I did or not.) You are my everything. I love you so much it's hard to put into words. The only reason why I've waited so long to ask is because well, it wasn't legal in Utah. I will love you to the ends of time, even if you say no. I know I'm not the romantic type, but I really did try tonight. Alic, I asked your father he said yes. But he also said to ask Emily, she said yes and helped me pick out and pay for this ring." He pulled a pitch black box out of his pocket and opened it. Nestled inside of the crimson red interior, was a black and rose gold ring. I smiled at him. "Will you please merry me?" I got down onto the ground in front of him and kissed him. When I pulled I way I answeres. "Jake, yes. Yes I'll merry you. I love you too much to say no." He put the ring on my finger and he pulled one for him out of his pocket I took it from him and slid it onto his finger. After that we walked back to the car and went home, and before falling asleep I'm sure you could imagine what happened.
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A/N: sorry it tooka few weeks, I tried to carfuly plan this chapter. I hope it turned out as good as I think it did. Let me know what you think! Thank you so much for have so much patience with me! Hope you liked it! XOXO~Kaimee20