Chapter 11

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Me and Bryan have gotten to know each other a little bit over the past week. I mean yeah it was over texts and not face to face but that's only because of me being sick. I haven't really had any major anxiety attacks. I feel a lot better then I did on Tuesday it's now Saturday and Bryan and his family are coming over for dinner AGAIN. I mean I'm not really complaining, I get to see and talk to Bryan in person instead of over texts. Right now I've just gotten out of the shower so I'm in nothing but my strapless white bra and matching pantie set dancing around to Twenty One Pilot' We Don't Believe What's On TV. My mom decided to walk in just then.
"Emily what the hell?" I stopped, blushed and shrugged. "It's whatever, change of plans we're going out to eat with the Jones' this evening."
"OK thanks mom!" She then walked out to go get ready herself. I walked into my bathroom and did my hair, it was curly with a lose braid going around the back part of the the crown of my head. I then did my makeup with fall colors, dark brown with a little bit of dark purple and black and my lips a dark purple. I then walked out of my bathroom into my room and over to my closet. I pulled out my white and black dress that stopped mid thigh in the front but flowed down to mid calf in the back. I carefully pulled it on. I then pulled on my off-white colored cardigan. I walked further into my closet and grabbed my black and white high heels with spikey thingys that go around my ankles. Walking out of my closet and over to my bed I sat down and pulled my shoes on. I then grabbed my galaxy clutch purse putting my phone, some money and my keys in it. I then checked myself in the mirror then walking downstairs.

My dad was the first person to see me

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My dad was the first person to see me. "Emily, you look beautiful." I smiled at him.
"Thank you daddy." He hugged me.
"You're welcome, baby girl. Alright let's get going." He said after he released me. We then walked out of the house and piled into moms Yukon, my brother got in his car with Haylee and we were off. It took us about an hour to get where we were going because all the fancy restaurants are in Salt Lake. When we got there, we all piled out and walked in and waited for the rest of our group to show up. They showed up a minute later but, with with one extra person. And that person was attached to Bryan like she needed him to survive. I felt as though my heart had been ripped out, torn into a million pieces and stomped on. I felt like crying and I had no idea why. The smile that had been on my face since I had found out that was going to be seeing Bryan instantly vanished. My dad told the hostess we were all here. We all sat down and I got sat next to Bryan like always. He smiled at me. I couldn't take this.
I leaned over and whispered into my mom's ear.
"I need to go to the restroom. I'll be back in a moment. I need to calm myself." She smiled sadly at me but nodded and let me go anyway. I stood up almost falling Bryan stabilized me, I felt electricity shoot trough my sides where his hands were. I blushed and thanked him quietly. I then booked it to the restroom. When I got there it was like the restrooms at the mall with chairs and everything inside. I sat down on one of the chairs. I rested my elbows on my knees and rubbed my temples with my finger tips. I sighed in frustration. Why would he bring her? Well, I guess the correct question would be, why wouldn't he? She was perfect. She had curves. She had boobs. She had a butt. She had the perfect skin tone. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. Not to thin, the perfect size. Compared to me she was a goddess. Why do I feel the way I do towards him and her? I shouldn't care, should I? I let out another sigh. There was a knock on the restroom door. I guess they sent one of the guys to see if I was OK. I stood up and checked my makeup I then walked out bumping right into Bryan.
"Emily are you OK? You seemed OK when we first walked into the restaurant, smiling and laughing then it kinda disappeared. What happened?"
"Well, that girl. I don't know her... So I kinda just shut down." Lie.
"Oh I know that's a lie. What's really wrong?"
"I don't know." I said in barely a whisper.
"Emily tell me whats wrong."
"I lost all my confidence when she walked in!" I whisper yelled. "There are you happy, she makes me feel like trash. I lost all hope in hopefully ever getting a chance with..." I cut myself off.
"Lost all hope of getting a chance with what, Emily?" I blushed
"Nothing, never mind just forget I said anything."
"Oh, I get it! You have a crush on me."
"No..." He didn't let me finish defending myself.
"Emily, you never had a chance with me. I'm a bad boy and you're a nerd. It never would have worked." And that broke whatever was left of my crushed heart.
"I didn't like you in the first place! I hate you, you're worse then my brother. I wouldn't want to date you even if there was a chance you filthy pig! Que te jodan! Puto! Pendejo!" I whisper yelled curse words in Spanish at him. He gave me a questionable look. I then stomped on his food and walked back into the restroom. I guess I did develop a little bit of a crush on him. Why did I have to go and fall for the bad boy? I sat down heavily on the chair and started rubbing my head again. My mom walked in about a minute later. She noticed that something other than a anxiety attack was happening.
"Emily What's wrong?"
"I have a crush, mom. But it's on the wrong person." I said.
"On who?"
"Bryan." I said while hiding my face. "He just barely told me I had no chance to be with him because I was a nerd and he is a 'bad boy'. Mom my heart hurts." I stood up and walked over to my mom laying my head down on her shoulder.
"Emily I'm sorry sweetie. What can I do to make the pain stop?" She wrapped her arms around me.
"Get me out of here. Don't make sit through this dinner with him and that girl. I can't do that."
"You're lucky your brother drove here in his car."
"Can you take me though? I don't want to drive with Mason."
"Your brother won't let me drive his car."
"OK fine anything to get away from him." She nodded and let go of the hug she had me in but grabbed my hand for moral support. We walked back out to our table, Bryan and that girl were all cuddly. I was about to cry I needed to get out of there and fast.
"Mason, seeing as though you didn't really want to come in the first place, would you mind taking you sister home? She had another..."she tailed off thinking he'd catch on, and he did. He looked at me, but I wasn't paying any attention. I was too busy death glaring Bryan.
"Yeah sure mom." He stood up, grabbing my hand and led me out of the restaurant and to his car. He started the hour long drive. "Did you do something to Bryan? He left for a minute then when he came back he was pissed." I scoffed.
"Did I do something to him? He crushed me Mason. I didn't know I had a crush on him until he said what he said."
"What did he say?"
"He said and I quote, 'Emily, you never had a chance with me. I'm a bad boy and you're a nerd. It never would have worked.' Yes I may have believed that I could have had a chance. But now I know that I was just being a silly little girl who is as innocent as innocent can be. I have a crush on Bryan, I will admit that. And I will admit that it wasn't such a good idea for me to have talked to him in the first place, but he's the only one who seems to be able to help with my attacks lately. We've Also been texting a lot, and it just kinda happened. Then tonight I was so happy to see him and talk to him, then he came with that girl with the perfect everything and it crushed my confidence. Then he said what he said and it felt like someone ripped my heart out Mason." I started crying. I covered my face with my hands and cried. My little rant took forever apparently cause we pulled into our driveway.
"Emily, I'm sorry. But why was Bryan pissed?"
"I called him some mean things in Spanish.." I said sheepishly.
"What did you call him?"
"first of all I said, Que te jodan, then I called him a Puto and a Pendejo. Oh and I may have stomped on his foot." His eyes widened.
"Emily... Good job for saying 'fuck you.' And stomping on his foot, But if mom finds out you called him a bitch and a dickhead, she's going to blow a gasket."
"Well we're not gonna tell her, now are we. Now I really want some ice cream and I really want to wash this makeup off." So we went inside, I washed off my makeup and changed into pjs and Mason got a bunch of my favorite junk foods together. I wasn't even dating Bryan, why do I feel like this? After I washed my face, me and Mason sat down and watched Shameless and ate a lot of junk food.

A/N: twice in one week? What??? Can you believe it?! I had half of this written the same night I published the last chapter but, I've still had school all week so I've had homework so I couldn't finish it until today! I hope you guys are liking my book! Thank you so much for reading!
XXX ~ Kaimee20

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