Chapter 27

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...Bryan's P.O.V...
..The day Emily went to his house..
"Bryan... My sweet brother." I was downstairs making lunch when my sister and her friend walked in.
"What do you want Ellie?"
"Will you please take me and Jane to the mall?" She pleaded. I sighed but nodded reluctantly. "Yay! Let me go get dressed." She then ran upstairs leaving me and her friend I pulled my phone out to see if Emily wanted to go with us, when all of the sudden this girl pushed her lips onto mine. I started pushing her away. I finally pushed her off of me. The front door slammed closed and Ellie walked into the kitchen.
"You ready?" She asked.
"You know what? I change my mind. I'm not driving you and your hoeish friend to the fucking mall. Find your own way." I walked passed them and up to my room. I pulled out my phone and started texting Emily.
Hey babe, I miss you! 😘❤
It took her a minute to text back.

Don't hey babe me. I saw you kissing that girl. You filthy pig! Que te jodan! Puto! Pendejo! I can't believe I actually put my trust in you, I told you every thing, I told you doubts and my insecurities! I hate you, don't talk to me.
I quickly texted back.

Emily, no. I didn't kiss her! She kissed me. I love you, very much!
I sent multiple texts explaining what happened. I paced my room for hours until I was too tired to do anything which happened to be 1am.

...Time Skip...
It's been a week since I talked to Emily, a week since she saw that girl kiss me. I can't think properly, my grades are slipping. All I can do is think about Emily. I've texted her over a million times. The last text I sent her was this.

Emily, I love you with my heart and soul. I'm sorry that I did that to you. If you want to be done that's fine. Just know I'll always love you.
She apparently hasn't turned on her phone, that or she ignoring me. I don't leave the house. My mom started to worry about me, my dad is gone away on business. It hurts knowing that she's not looking at my messages, it hurts knowing that she thinks that I cheated on her. As I lay here waiting for her to look at my messages, waiting for her to message me back. This pain is unbearable, I don't understand why it feels this way. I looked down at my phone, I saw that she had finally read my messages but she didn't reply. I sighed setting my phone down. She'll text me when she wants to talk. I got up off my bed and walked to the bathroom, getting in the shower. I got out 30 minutes later, I dried off and pulled on some pajama pants. My phone then started going off. It was Mason. I answered it.
"Hey, do you know what's wrong with Emily? She's been really distant, hasn't come out of her room. We can hear her crying all the time. Then today when we think she's feeling better, she feels quite the opposite actually. She came out of her room and she was helping our mom cook dinner by cutting up the vegetables, her mind wandered and she wasn't paying attention and she cut her hand open." Shit, what have I done?
"No I don't know why. She hasn't talked to me in a week. It might be because she walked in when my sisters best friend kissed me. I was trying to get her off of me and when I did it was a little too late I guess. She broke up with me."
"Yeah that'll do it. She came home crying one night and hasn't left her room since. Until today when my mom drug her out." I sighed, my Emily was hurt and there was nothing I could do about it.
"OK, I'll talk to you later man."
"OK, don't beat yourself up about Em, she'll be OK. I promise." I nodded as if he could see me and hung up. I sighed flopping down on my bed. How am I supposed to live knowing it was somehow my fault that Emily, my Emily, is hurt.
I didn't sleep last night, it's not that I didn't want to, it's that I couldn't. I tossed and turned. Flipped upside down, trying to get in the perfect spot to sleep. But I just couldn't. I couldn't face the fact that I was the one who caused her to hurt that much. I checked the time. It was almost 10 A.M., I can't just sit here any more. I grabbed my phone and my keys and left. When I got to where I was going, I walked right in and up the stairs.
"What are you doing here?" It was Alic. He sounded so cold towards me, Emily must have told him.
"Mason called and said that Emily was hurt. I was up all night, it was reeling through my mind. It hurts me to know that it was my fault that she's hurt. I can't continue when I know she's hurt."
"She's hurt because of you. I'm not letting you in."
"Please let me see her."
"No, you hurt her. Leave her the hell alone."
"That chick came onto me! She's my sister's friend! I wouldn't have done that to her. I love your sister. I've been going crazy without her. Then Mason called and said she was hurt, I couldn't just sit at home." Alic sighed, he's debating.
"Sorry, I can't let you in." He then turned and started to open the door, I stomped away and got in my car and drove and drove til I was at the top of the divide (the divide is like a canyon it connects north Ogden to another city.) I sighed and turned off my car. Stying inside because of the snow. I pulled out my phone and set a text to the only girl that will ever really be on my mind.

Emily, I do love you. I know you've seen all my messages. I'm sorry that I hurt you.
I waited for a few minutes and then under my text bubble there was a little thing that read, seen. Well at least she saw it. I locked my phone and drove home. When I got there I flung myself on my bed and sighed in defeat. I soon drifted off into darkness.

A/N: You guys must hate me right now! I've been going crazy, let me tell you Driver ED kicks you in the ass. I'm already in school for 8 God damned hours, you want me to stay for another 3!? Almost 12 fucking hours of school! Fuck you school, fuck you. Sorry for the mini rant I hope you guys liked the chapter, that took me more than a week to write. I'm seriously sorry for such a long wait for the long wait. Thank you so much for reading!
XOXO ~Kaimee20

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