Chapter 29

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A/n: Hello! I'm soooo sorry for the late update, my phone got taken away during Christmas break. I feel terrible for leaving. But I finally did it! I finished yet another chapter! I really hope you guys enjoy it. It literally took me forever to write. Thank you all so much for reading! I'll stop talking now and let you guys read!

...Emily's P.O.V...
Christmas came and went in a blur and New years Eve is tomorrow. The snow came down badly yesterday, it's really deep and I don't want to step foot outside of the house. So, Today is a day of school. I haven't done it in a while, and with it being Christmas break for the rest of the school. I plan on getting half of what I need to do done, in the next week. I don't want to deal with my family, who are always outside in the snow. I took a deep breath and got to work. Typing, figuring out the problems and reading about things as I went. I just continued on, not really caring about the time. The next thing I knew, my mom was walking into my room.
"Emily I need you get dressed in something nice. We're going out to eat." I gave her a questioning look from where I was sat on my bed. Then looked at the time. It was almost 6 PM. I sighed and nodded, shutting my laptop and putting it to the side. My mom left and I got up off my bed. I got in my closet and pulled out my Nightmare Before Christmas dress and threw it on my bed. I walked over to my dresser and pulled out my Nightmare Before Christmas tights, and threw them next to the dress. I quickly showered. When I got out I dried myself off and started getting dressed. I pulled on the tights, then pulled on my dress. I walked back into my closet and grabbed my studded ankle boots.

 I walked back into my closet and grabbed my studded ankle boots

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After pulling all that on I walked into the bathroom. I straightened my hair, leaving it down. I then did my makeup as dark as I could. I'm really not in the mood to go out to dinner but, apparently it's important. I sighed grabbing my phone. I walked down stairs where everyone was patiently waiting for me, my dad smiled at me and I gave him the best smile I could but it didn't quite reach my eyes. Alic walked up to me and grabbed my hand. My mom and dad lead the way out of the house. Me and Mason got into his car and everyone else got into mom's SUV. We started driving, and a few minutes into the drive Mason started talking.
"Listen, Emily. I'm so sorry about what happened at that party. I didn't mean to give you an anxiety attack. I've been beating myself up for letting that happen." I shook my head at him.
"Mason, it's fine. I over reacted, cause I know you didn't mean to do it." I said in a monotonous voice.
"Emily, I know something is wrong. You're never this gloomy. I've never seen you in this much black. And your makeup is darker than normal. Can you please tell what's wrong?" I sighed in defeat.
"It's Bryan, I saw him kissing another girl."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Mason, Bryan was my boyfriend. I loved him, still do. He made my attacks go away. But the day we set up the Christmas decorations I went to his house and he was kissing some girl. My heart shattered and I haven't been the same. I'm broken Mason and I don't know how to fix it." I said almost in tears.
"Well you're gonna hate tonight. And if he tries anything I'll beat him up." I snapped my head toward my brother as we pulled into Bella's Mexican restaurant. I looked out the front widow of the car, and my eyes immediately zoned in on Bryan. I mentally groaned. With my anxiety high, I slowly got out of my brother's car. As soon as I closed the door Alic was right by my side holding my hand.
"Em, I'm sorry. If I would have known I would have talked dad out of making you come." I just shrugged. Alic started walking, I tried to keep my feet rooted down. But Alic had other plans, he pulled me along. Making me walk. I held his hand tighter. My breathing became harder to control the more steps I took. My hands were sweaty but Alic wouldn't let go. Haylee put a calming hand on my back. She knew that an attack was coming. Heck I think anyone could tell it was coming, They just didn't know when. I could feel Bryan's eyes watching me. That only made be feel more anxious. I started taking deep breaths trying to calm myself, it wasn't working. Alic must have felt my death grip on his hand. He leaned over and whispered into mom's ear. She looked over at me with a worried look on her face. Alic and her switch places. She grabbed my hand and walked with me into the building passed everyone and into the restroom. She let go of my hand making sure no one was in here and locked the door from the inside.
"Emily, what's wrong? We've been out with these people before and you and Bryan are seeming to be getting along." I tensed at her words.
"Me and Bryan have... Were getting along. That was until I saw him kissing another girl.." I looked down at my feet, as if they had grown so interesting.
"Why would that make you guys hate each other?"
"We were dating, mom. He's the only one who can calm down my attacks. He made me happy. But then he hurt me. I'm broken, mom. I can't handle the pain I'm in." At that point I had started crying. Mom came up to me and hugged me. About a minute later her phone buzzed and she took it out of her bag. It was dad saying that they had been seated. She sighed and looked at me. I nodded and we left the restroom. My eyes probably looking bloodshot. When we got to our table there was only two spots open and my mom went for the one next to dad. Meaning, I of course got stuck next to Bryan. I sighed and sat down. I felt the little sparks shoot up my arm. I kept my face toward the table. I could feel the attack coming, I can feel it forming. Focusing on the menu in front of me on the table. I could feel multiple pairs of eyes on me, making my attack grow more in size. I can tell it's going to be a big one. The waitress then came up to get our drink orders. Everyone ordered then it got to me. And in the quietest voice I've ever heard come out of my mouth I asked for just water. The lady nodded and smiled at me. I looked back down at the menu. I started doing my calming routines. But having him next to me wasn't helping. I started shaking. I went to stand up to go calm myself in the restroom but me being me, I just had to bump into our waitress and spill everyone's drinks all over me. Everyone in the room around us, had their eyes on me. Then it started. I ran to the lobby and outside to Mason's car. I got into the back seat and let the attack take over my body. Trying to calm myself, nothing was working. I looked at the clock. It had been 10 minutes since it started. I was soaked and was starting to freeze. But my body didn't care, all it cared about was the attack that it was going through. I couldn't calm myself down. I need help. I pulled out my phone and called the only person that I knew could help stop it. It rang once and he Immediately answered.
"H-h-help... M-m-me..."
"Where are you?"
"Ma-mason's car.." He hung up and I put my phone down. The attack grew stronger. I closed my eyes trying to calm myself. The next thing I knew, someone was putting their arms around me. I felt the electricity flow through me, it was in that moment I knew who it was. Bryan, the one I had called to help. The only one who could potentially, help me. I pushed my face into his shirt and took a deep breath. I felt my self slowly calm down and he rubbed my back and whispered calming things to me. After another couple of minutes I was back to normal. I pulled away from Bryan and looked down at my hands which were now in my lap.
"Thank you." I said in barely a whisper.
"Emily, will you please listen to me?" I sighed but nodded anyway. "Thank you. Now, that day was a bit crazy to begin with. My sister and her 'friend' asked if I could take them to the mall. I said yes, and I was getting ready to call you, when that girl kissed me. I pushed her off of me but apparently I was too late, cause you had already seen. I'm so sorry for hurting you. I never meant to." He said, sounding really sincere about it. I sighed.
"Bryan, I want to forgive you and say that I believe you. But how do I know you're not lying to me? How do I know you won't do it again?" I said still staring at my hands.
"I understand that. I wouldn't forgive me either. But can we at least take things slow? I feel so empty without you." I sighed, again. I've been sighing a lot lately. I looked up into Bryan's eyes.
"Bryan, I feel very empty without you as well. You make my attacks go away. I think that going slow is an amazing idea." He smiled, it was the brightest smile I've seen in a while. I slightly smiled. We got out of Mason's car and went back into Bella's. When we sat down. My mom gave me a worried look. I nodded and smiled saying that I was fine, she visibly relaxed. We ordered our food, ate and had as good a time as we could. Mine being kinda forced. After that we went home and I got in the shower to wash the stickiness off of me from the soda. I got out and got into an over sized
T-shirt. I crawled into my bed, checking my phone one last time. I had a text.

Goodnight, sleep well. ;3
A smile instantly made it's way across my face. And with a smile still on my face, I fell asleep.

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