#1 Your daughter is diagnosed with cancer.

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Your POV

You and niall had 4 children together. You had 3 son's and a daughter. Your 3 son's Liam, Luke (twins) and Noah were at school but your 3 year old daughter, Lillie, was at home with you and niall since she couldn't go to nursery because she has been ill for the past week. Neither you or Niall knew what was wrong wth her and nothing was helping her so you had booked a doctor's appointment. Her first appointment was on Wednesday which is when she had tests done and you had been told to go back today (friday ) to find out the results.

"Niall?" You shouted from the kitchen. "Yeah?" He said walking into the kitchen holding Lillie.  "Can you get Lillie and yourself dressed so we can go to the doctors?" You asked and gigged. He nodded and kissed you. He then went upstairs with Lillie to get ready.

Niall's pov

I really hope nothing was seriously wrong with Lillie, she is my only daughter and if I lose her I don't know what I would do. "Daddy?" She asked. "What baby?" I said softly. "Can I wear this?" Sh said and held up a one direction t-shirt.  I grinned and nodded. I got her some black jeans and white converse to match her t-shirt.  I then quickly got myself ready in a white t shirt and black jeans and white high tops . I took Lillie down stairs and y/n was sat on the couch on her phone waiting for us. "We're ready princess." I said and y/n looked up and walked towards the door. I strapped Lillie into her car seat, opened the door for y/n and then got in the car myself and drove to the doctors.

At the doctors.

Me and y/n was sat in the waiting room at the doctors I was holding her hand while she was sat next to me and Lillie was on her lap. A doctor came out the hallway and said " Lillie Grace Horan?". We all stood up and y/n carried Lillie. We followed the doctor into a small white room and sat in front of him I sat down and y/n sat down with Lillie next to me but Lillie climbed over onto my lap. The doctor sat down in front of us and began to speak. "From Lillie tests we have found out what's wrong with her" he said. "is it good news, is she okay?" Y/n said nervously while biting her lip which she does when she's nervous. "Mr and Mrs Horan, I am honestly so sorry for having to tell you this" he said. "it is bad news isn't it, what's wrong with her?!" I asked while starting to tear up. "I am sorry to inform you but your daughter has stage 4 cancer and there is only a 5% survival rate."he told me and it felt as if my whole world came crashing down. I didn't cry I was just frozen in shock because my beautiful little girl had cancer and could die."I will give you some time alone" The doctor said and left the room. "Why?  Why her?" I said softly and stared at the wall. Y/n was sobbing next to me and Lillie was still in my lap but she had fallen asleep. I stood up and put Lillie in the chair since she was asleep. I kneeled down next to the chair Lillie was in and stroked her hair. "I love you" I whispered.  Y/n stood up and started rubbing my back I looked up at her she was still crying. She opened her arms and I stood up and she hugged me . I buried my head into her neck. She carried on rubbing my back. "Nialler I know yur trying to be strong for us all, but you can't keep your emotions bottled up, I know you want to cry and you can no one going to judge you" she said and I immediately started crying. "Wha..what i..If. .s..She..d..dies" I cried." Trust me our little Lillie is a fighter and she will get through this and she will have us all by her side the entire way." She told me and pulled away from the hug. I nodded. "But she's only 3 so the survival rate is even lower" I sniffled ."well hopefully she will be apart of that 5%" y/n said and started crying.

(Btw they did go home)

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