Him and the boys suprise you and your child

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Zayn is in this imagine

Niall had told me last week that I should take our 3 year old daughter to Madame Tussaud's to see the one direction wax figures which have recently been made. Niall had been on tour for the past six months.

"Aaliyah come on, it's time to go" I told Aaliyah who was drawing. "Look!" She said showing me a picture. "That's beautiful" I said smiling. She put her drawing down and I put her coat on her. Madame Tussaud's wasn't very far from where we live so we are going to walk.

Aaliyah held my hand the whole way there. I paid for us to get in, there was a few teenage girls that recognised us.
We arrived at the one direction wax figures, there was quite a few young girls with their parents there and they also recognised us. They didn't bombard us though because of Aaliyah. A few months ago Niall tweeted about how it scares Aaliyah when there are people everywhere crowding us.

"Daddy!" Aaliyah shouted running to Niall's wax figure. "Come here princess" I said to Aaliyah and bending down to her height. "That's not daddy princess, that's just a model of daddy and your uncles" I explained. She pouted like Niall does and started crying. The fans looked at us with sadness in their eyes, even the fans knew how much of a daddy's girl Aaliyah is. "I miss daddy" she cried. I hugged her. "I do too" I whispered still hugging her. I saw the 'wax figures' stand up and the fans all gasped. My eyes widened and I grinned at Niall. He put his finger up to his mouth as he came closer to me and Aaliyah he was now right in front of me and right behind Aaliyah.

"I want daddy" Aaliyah whispered. Niall tapped Aaliyah's shoulder and she pulled away from the hug and turned around. "DADDY!" she shouted hugging Niall's legs. He smiled and poked her up and hugged me. The boys came over and hugged me too. "How did you stay still?" I asked. They all shrugged. "Daddy?" Aaliyah asked from Niall's arms. "What princess?" He asked moving some of her down hair away from her face. "Can I go on your shoulders?" She asked cutely. "Of course, you'll have to ask one of your uncles to put you on my shoulders" he whispered to her.

"Uncle Liam?" Aaliyah asked. Liam looked at her and smiled. "Can you put me on daddy's shoulders please?" She asked. Liam nodded taking her out of Niall's arms and placing her on his shoulders.  Niall held her small legs and Aaliyah held Niall's head.
"Daddy's hair soft!" She giggled. Niall held onto Aaliyah with on hand and held my hand with his other. We decided to walk around Madame Tussaud's for a bit. The boys went home to their families.

Niall had to bend down to go through each door, which made Aaliyah laugh.

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