Your son draws on the walls

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Niall had gone to the studio to record some last minute vocals, he should only be gone an hour, so I was at home with our 3 year old son, Luke.


"Mummy can I cowour?" He asked cutely holding his tub of colouring pencils. "Of course you can, but sit at the table, okay" I said and he nodded walking into the kitchen to sit at the table.

Luke had been relatively quiet so I decided to check on him.
I walked into the hallway of the house and saw Luke near the front door, drawing on the white walls with crayons.

"Luke James Horan! What are you doing?" I asked startling him. He quickly dropped the crayon and turned around hiding the part of the wall he had drawn on. I raised my eyebrows at him.

"You know you shouldn't draw on the walls, I told you to stay at the table" I told him. He pouted and gave me puppy eyes. "Sorry mummy" he said. "It's okay love, but if you still want to colour do it at the table and do not draw on the walls or furniture" I told him and he nodded skipping into the kitchen to go back to the table .

@y/n_Horan:  I think I'm going to have to reprint the walls thanks to Little Mister Horan! @NiallOfficial


"Hey princess!" Niall said walking into the room and pecking my lips. "Where's my little Lukey Pukey?" Niall asked. "He's in the kitchen colouring , hopefully in his books" I said and Niall nodded leaving the room.

He quickly reappeared in the doorway and I raised my eyebrow at him. "Oh and what did you tag me in on twitter? Because I don't get chance to look at it" He said. "I just tweeted saying that I'm going to need to repaint the walls in the hallway" I said. "Why?" He asked. "Look at the wall near the door" I told him standing up and showing him the drawing on the wall. "Whenever he colours we should just sit with him" I said and Niall agreed.

"For his bedroom we could get some chalkboard paint so he can draw on the walls without ruining them" Niall suggested. "That's would keep him busy and it would be a nice touch for his bedroom" I said agreeing with Niall.

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