Your baby wants Niall

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I was at Mauras with my one year old daughter, Aaliyah. Niall's mum, dad , nephew and brother are all here.
Niall is still on tour, he's coming home next week.


Me and Niall's family were all sat outside, Bobby was doing the BBQ for us all and I was sat at the outdoor table with Maura and Greg and Aaliyah was on my lap.

Aaliyah started to get fussy and started to move around a lot. "What's up baby?" I asked her readjusting her on my lap. She just started to cry loudly.
"Dadda!" She cried loudly. "Sorry, ill try and calm her down" I said standing up and walking into the kitchen with Aaliyah. She was still crying really loudly. "Daddy's not here baby" I said. Maura and Bobby came into the kitchen to try and help. "Does she miss Niall?" Bobby asked and I nodded trying to calm the crying baby in my arms. "Dadda" Aaliyah whimpered.
Bobby took Aaliyah from me while I made a bottle for her.

I felt two arms wrap around my waist, two arms that I recognised. I turned my head and saw Niall's head on my shoulder . "Niall!" I gasped wrapping my arms around his neck. Maura and bobby were still in the room, Aaliyah's head was buried in bobbys chest so she didn't know Niall was here yet. Niall wrapped his arms around my waist.
"I missed you" I whispered a tear escaping my eye. "I missed you too y/n" He whispered pecking my lips. He pulled away from the hug and went over to Bobby.

He heard Aaliyah crying slightly . "Is she crying?" He mouthed and we all nodded. "Dadda!" She cried out again still not knowing Niall was right behind her. Niall took Aaliyah from Bobby and held her close to his chest. "Dadda!" She cried not knowing it was Niall holding her.
"Daddy's here princess" Niall said roving side to side. Aaliyah looked up at Niall's face. "Dadda!" She said happily and Niall smiled.

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