#79 Taking your daughter bra shopping

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Lillie is 12, twins are 18, but aren't in this imagine

Niall, Lillie and I where all out shopping , Liam and Luke are now 18 and have both gone to university so they aren't at home right now.

Lillie was walking ahead of us looking at the different shops and Niall and I where carrying some bags. "We need to get her some bras Niall" I told Niall and he looked at me with his eyebrows raised. "bras! She's too young for bras!" He said horrified. "No she's not Niall, she's 12 and soon she will go through puberty, she's growing up Niall" I told him chuckling at his reaction. "I don't want her to grow up! She's my baby" he whined like a child. I rolled my eyes chuckling.

"Lillie, we are going in this shop" I told our daughter. She came to us and followed her in the shop. "What are we getting?" She asked. "We need to get you some bras" I told her and she nodded walking ahead to find some. "Can I go and get some food?" Niall asked. "no" I told him. "But this is awkward! " he whined once again. "What's awkward? Buying bras for you 12 year old daughter?" I asked. "Yeah! Exactly that" he said. "Niall she needs them, it's not awkward! " I told him.

"Go try these on " I said handing lillie some white and black bras. She took them from me and went to try them on. She came back out minutes later. "They fit" she said. "Okay then we just need to find more bras in this size, pick some that you like" I told her. She picked a few different ones out and handed them to me . Niall just stood next to me awkwardly. "Okay Niall will you hold them while I get the money out?" I asked Niall handing him our daughters bras.

"Wait mum! Can I get that one?"Lillie asked pointing to a pink lacy bra. "Of cou..." I said be in interrupted by Niall. "No! No! Just no!" He said shaking his head. "Why? Please dad!" She whined. Niall shook his head. "They don't need to be pretty , no one's going to see them" he said. "But I'll be seeing them!" She argued. "i don't want to argue so just listen to me Lillie" he said walking to the register to pay for the bras. "I'll bring you shopping again tomorrow when your dad's at work so you can get some nice ones" I whispered to Lillie and she smiled nodding.

We left the shop and Lillie carried her bag. "Can we go to Nandos for food now?" Lillie asked. "We go there more or less every day but fine!" I sighed. She was just like her daddy.

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