#47 Your son has a girlfriend

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Liam and luke- 15

Your POV

I was sat around the table with my family eating dinner. "So how's school lillie?" I asked my daughter. "Its good" she replied. "What's your favorite subject?" I asked. "Umm.. Probably music and History" she said. "History was my favorite subject in school" I told her.

"Liam, luke how are you two finding school" I asked. "Boring , but okay I guess" liam said. "Same" luke said . "oh yeah mum dad guess what!" Luke said. "Don't!! Don't you dare!" Liam said glaring at luke. "Liam's got a girlfriend!" Luke said smirking at liam. "Really?" I asked and he nodded going red. "Get in there liam!" Niall said night fiving our son. "So who is she?" I asked him. "Umm..a girl" he said furrowing his brows together. "Yeah I know that! But what's her name?" I asked. "Taylor Aaliton" he said. "Is she pretty?" I asked. "Yeah she is" he said and smiled . "she's a proper fit bird!" Luke said. "Luke don't refer to girls as birds" Niall said. "Why? Everyone says it" luke said "because they are women not a flying animal" niall said. "Anyway how long have you been together?" Niall asked. "Uh 6 months.." He trailed off. "Why didn't you tell us?" I asked. "Because I didn't know how you would react" he said. "Have you kissed your girlfriend!" Lillie said loudly. Liam just ignored her going red. "Haha he's kissed her!" Lillie said. "Lillieeee! Shut up!" Liam said going as red as a tomato.  "Taylor and Liam sitting in a tree" lillie sang. "K.I.S.S.I.N.G!" Niall and luke joined in. "Mum tell Them to stop!" Liam said. I just smirked and joined in. "I hate you all!" Liam said walking upstairs laughing at our weird family. "Love you too!" I yelled and he laughed

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