#76 Baby won't stop crying

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In this you have lillie and grace. Lillie is 5 and Grace is 9 months old.

Lillie was at school and Grace was asleep in her nursery whilst Niall and I cuddled up on the sofa. "How long do you think she'll sleep for?" I asked Niall. "I Don't know, she's been asleep for 2 hours so she should wake up soon"  he replied and I agreed.


I heard an ear piecing cry, which belonged to our daughter. I sighed and stood up. I walked to graces nursery, with Niall following. I picked her up and swayed side to side, but it didn't work. I checked her nappy, which didn't need to be changed. "Do you want your dummy?" Niall asked her in a baby voice holding up her dummy/pacifier.  He went to put it in her mouth but she moved her head. We both sighed.

"Can you make her a bottle?" I asked Niall and he nodded. I walked back downstairs and sat on the sofa with the crying baby. Minutes later Niall came back with her bottle. He sat next to me and took grace from me. He tried to feed her the bottle but she didn't want it and kept crying instead. "Why won't she stop crying? " I sighed and niall shrugged. "Call my mum, she might know" Niall told me and I nodded.


I walked back into the room after calling Niall's mum. "What did she say?" He asked while rocking the crying baby. "She said that she could be sick, so we should check if she has a temperature , if she hasn't she doesn't know what up with her" I told him and he nodded. He walked to the bathroom with the baby and got the thermometer from the cabinet. "She's not got a temperature" he sighed sitting back down with her.

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