Nialls mum films a cute moment

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Niall's POV

My two year old daughter, Aaliyah, was on the floor with my mum playing with her toys, I was sat on the sofa and y/n was cuddled up to me asleep.

I picked my phone up and decided to check twitter. I saw on tweet which was a video and it caught my eye. My mum tweeted it

@Maura_Gallagher:  What a cute little family! P. S, Y/n and Niall please give me more grandchildren! X @NiallOfficial @y/n_Horan

I watched the video . It was from this morning when we where all asleep. I was lied on my back in bed sleeping, Aaliyah was lied on my chest also sleeping. I had one arm around Aaliyah and one arm around y/n who was next to me. Y/n's head was buried in my neck, one of her hands were in my hair and the other was on my chest, near Aaliyah's head. In the video my mum tried to move my arms from around y/n and Aaliyah but couldn't . I liked the video and retweeted it and started to read some of the replies

LiloXNarry: This is so cute! @MauraGallagher @NiallOfficial

@OmeDirectionUpdates: Niall and y/n prove that you can still be in love after having a baby! @Maura_Gallagher @NiallOfficial @y/n_Horan

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