#56 Your daughters funeral

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Your POV

Today was the day that we would bury our little girl. Lillie passed away from cancer a week ago, she was 5.

Liam and luke weren't coming to the funeral, we hired a babysitter for them. Niall and I both got ready in silence. The color scheme for the funeral was pink so everyone wore one article of pink clothing and the rest black. Niall had a black suit on with a pastel pink tie and i had a long dress on that was light pink at the top and black at the bottom. I walked to niall and hugged him.

At Maura's house

We walked in the house and smiled sadly at maura. She hugged both of us and we went to the church together.
All of our family and friends were there, Niall's parents,my parents ,Niall's brother and his wife, my siblings and their wives/husbands and all of our close friends like the boys.
Me,niall,maura,Greg bobby,my parents and siblings sat on the front row. The bright pink princess themed coffin was at the front and part of it was open so we could see her top half. (Idk if this is what happens,I've never been to a funeral)

The priest began to talk. "We are gathered here today to remember the life of Lillie Grace Horan." Most people in the room were already crying , while me and niall were basically sobbing. "Lillie Grace Horan was a very bright and happy young girl. She was loved by everyone" he said.

It was time for the speeches, me and niall decided to do one and anyone else who wanted to could. I went first. I stood in front of the stand. The coffin that was half open behind me. I looked down at Lillie's pale body and cried even more. "I never imagined having to attend or plan one of my children's funerals. We were shocked when we found out the news about our little girl leaving us. I wasn't ready for it none of us were.My little girl Lillie Grace Horan was loved by everyone especially me and niall. She was my only daughter and now I can't spend anymore time with her" I take a deep breath to steady my breathing as I was crying. "I'll never see her grow up, I'll not be able to help her through heartbreaks or talk about boys with her, I'll not be able to do anything with her. I love you so much Lillie, mummy loves you Lillie bug" I say and wipe away my tears. I return to my seat and niall gets up.

His eyes start to water and I knew he was going to cry. He had tried to stay strong for us all. "My beautiful little girl taken from us too soon. I never thought any of this would've happened but it has. No one wants to lose their child I know I certainly didn't. "He says pausing to wipe some tears away." Im going to miss her so Much, she was my only daughter, and a big daddy's girl. I'll never hear her cute laugh again, never be able to tickle her again, never see her smile again , never see her grow up, never fight the boys away from her and never walk her down the aisle. My beautiful little princess has been taken to soon and she will never be forgotten. Daddy loves you princess" he says glancing at her lied in her pink coffin.

He comes back and sits next to me. Us both having tears streaming down our faces. Liam got up to do a speech.

"Lillie was the happiest little girl you could ever meet, she always had a smile on her face and she was always laughing. She was fun and carefree like Niall but also stubborn and sassy like y/n. If you were ever upset lillie would be the little girl to put a smile on your face. Even as a baby she was so happy. She had an amazing 5 years here thanks to y/n and niall. She was taken away too soon and we are all deeply upset about this. My thoughts are with Niall,y/n,Little liam and luke, I can't imagine how they are feeling now, Rest In Paradise Lillie, we all love you" He says and sits back down in the row behind us.


We were all gathered around the hole in the ground where lillie would be buried. Maura was hugging me from the side as Niall and the boys walked towards us carrying the coffin. Niall had tears streaming down his face as well as the other one direction boys as they carried the bright pink coffin. The coffin was lowered into the ground and niall stood next to me. I had brought lots of pictures to put in her grave. I placed all the pictures on her coffin. Ones of me and Lillie,ones of Lillie and the boys,  ones of Lillie with the twins and ones of lillie and niall and finally a picture of me,niall,liam,luke and Lillie. Niall placed a white teddy bear he gave her when she was born next to her in the coffin and he placed some fake flowers in with her and he placed her tiara on her head of brown hair. The coffin was lowered and niall and I cried while hugging each other. 

After lillie had been buried everyone left apart from me and niall. We had small balloons in the shape of hearts to place on her grave and some real flowers and some fake flowers.

Her gravestone was black and glittery in the shape of a heart and it had pink writing on it.

Lillie Grace Horan
A Beloved little girl,
A lovely friend,
Amazing sibling,
And a beautiful daughter

13/09/2024 - 28/09/2029

Your/twitter/name- Never thought I would have to attend this place for this reason

Niall_official - The hardest day of my life, I just wish I had her back in my arms forever

Niall and I visited Lillie's grave every Sunday and Wednesday and put more flowers on her grave.

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