#80 Your Daughter has a crush on a boy

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Grace is 13.

Grace's pov

"do you think he feels the same way?" I asked my best friend Darcy Styles over the phone, we where talking about my crush on Luke Mendes. "Yeah definitely! He's always staring at you and I've seen you both in English,  he is totally flirting with you!" She said and I smiled slightly. The teacher had put me and Luke together in English and we also sit together in Art.
"How much do you like him? Like if he asked you out would you say yes?" She asked. "I like him alot" I admitted.

My dad suddenly walked through my bedroom door. "You like who alot?" He asked.  My face went red with embarrassment.  "My dad came in, talk to you later!" I said ending the phone call.

"So? Who?" He smirked sitting next to me on my bed nudging me slightly. "Daddddd! " I whined my face as red as a tomato. "C'mon princess, tell me I won't do anything!" He begged . "Why do you want to know?" I mumbled. "Because!  I need to protect my little princess!" He said wrapping an arm around me. "Fine,  it's Luke Mendes that I like" I admitted my cheeks red with embarrassment. "What? As in Shawn's son!?" He asked. I nodded. My dad and Shawn are pretty good friends so Shawn does come over some times, he's only ever brought his children a few time though. He has two children,  Luke and Harper. He sometimes brings Harper very to play with the twins Ethan and Aaliyah . Ethan and Aaliyah are my 1 year old brother and sister. (I know Shawn's sister is called Aaliyah but I like the name!)

"Please don't tell anyone! Not even mum!" I begged. He nodded. "I won't,  but can I tell Shawn? " He asked. "Why? Won't he just tell Luke?" I whined. "Fine, I won't tell anyone!" He sighed. "Pinky promise?" I asked hold in my pinky up. "Pinky promise!" He said wrapping his pinky around mine.

I included Shawn in this story because why not, I love him. If you where wondering I love one direction , 5 seconds of summer and Shawn mendes. I'm actually going to Watch Shawn in April.  My mum said she's got via tickets, but idk if she has or not because she isn't good with technology,  so I might meet him!

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