You have a miscarriage but he didnt know you was pregnant

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I had found out last month that I was pregnant. A week after I found out Niall left for a two month tour. I wanted a really creative way to tell him . He was coming home today, today I was supposed to tell him that we are having a baby but we aren't anymore. I had a miscarriage last week.


"Niall!?" I said running to the door. "Hey princess" he said opening his arms and dropping his bags at the side of him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. 'I can't tell him about the miscarriage' I thought to myself. "I missed you" I whispered. "I missed you too" he said kissing my lips.

We sat down cuddling on the sofa in the living room while watching Netflix.
I started thinking to myself. If I never had a miscarriage we could have days like this with a little boy or little girl in between us. I think Niall could tell something was wrong.


"Y/n?" I heard Niall say. I turned towards him and smiled but he could tell it was fake. "What's wrong? You've just not been yourself today, your a lot quieter than normal" He asked. "Nothing" I mumbled. "I know there's something wrong, princess, just tell me, I can help you" He pleaded holding my hand.

A tear streamed down my face. I had to tell him, it was his baby too. "I..was p..pregnant but I had a miscarriage last week" I said more tears escaped my eyes . I looked at Niall, a tear escaped his eye and he wrapped his arms around me. "Why didn't you just tell me?" He whispered. "W.when I found out I wanted to come up with a creative way to tell you because I know how much you wanted this" I whispered letting the tears escape. "We'll get through this together and we can always try again soon" He said

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