#72 Family movie day

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Luke is 10 ,Lillie is 7, Grace is 2

Your pov

"Should we take the kids out today? " I asked Niall who was sat on the sofa. He shrugged. "Why don't we just have a chill day? We could watch some movies together with some snacks and we can order pizza for dinnee" he suggested. "We can ask them what they want to do when the wake up" I said readjusting grace on my hip. "Dadda" she mumbled reaching out to Niall. He smiled and took her from me placing her on his lap. "I'll go see if Luke and Lillie is awake" I told Niall leaving the room and go in upstairs.

I checked on them both and they had both woken up.
Once I had made them breakfast and they where eating at the table I asked them what they wanted to do. "Do you two wanna go on a family day out today or a family movie day with snacks and then order pizza for dinner?" I asked them. "Movies" they said tiredly . I nodded. "Once you've finished come in the living room and we can all decide what to watch" I told them and they nodded.

I sat on the sofa next to Niall and cuddled up to him. He smiled down at me pecking my lips. The kids came in 5 minutes later. They went over to the dvd cabinet . "You can pick first" Luke told lillie. "Thanks, can we watch the lion king?" She asked looking at niall and I. I nodded and she put it in the dvd player. Luke came and sat next to me and cuddled up to me. Lille sat next to niall and cuddled with him and grace was sat on nialls lap staring at the tv with big blue eyes, the lion king was her favourite Disney movie. She loved it

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