Your daughter breaks a bone

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You have grace and Ethan.  Grace is 12, Ethan is 2.

Our small family was all sat outside in the garden, since it was a unusually sunny day in London.  Ethan was on Niall's lap and Grace was smiling at her phone. "Who are you texting grace?" I asked since she was smiling. "Grandma Maura,  she sent a photo of dad when he was younger" she said giggling and showing me the photo. I chuckled, it was a photo of Niall when he was around 4 covered in spaghetti.  "What are you two laughing at?" Niall asked.  Grace turned her phone around so he could see he photo. "Oh god! " he said.


"Mamma!!" Ethan whined reaching his arms out towards me. Niall passed him to me and I stood up with him on my hip. "im gonna take him inside so he doesn't get sunburned" I said and Niall nodded. I took Ethan inside and watched tv with him.

***3rd person*****

"Dad can you play football with me?" Grace asked Niall. "Sure princess" he replied standing up . They went over to the grass area in their garden. "How are we playing, penalties or tackling?" Niall asked. "Penalties, your in goal first" she said. Niall stood against the fence and grace stood a few metres away with the ball in front of her feet. She kicked it and scored 2 out of 3 times she shot.

Grace and Niall swapped places. Niall kicked the ball and grace saved it. "You're actually good at this , we can sign you up to a football team" Niall suggested. "I won't know anyone though" Grace said. "We could sign you up to the team that  Hunter is on" Niall said and grace agreed. (Hunter Payne is Liam's 12 year old son and he is Grace's best friend)

Niall kicked the ball and grace dived to the left to save it. She knocked the ball so Niall didn't score but she landed funny on her arm. "Owwww! " She screamed. "Oh my god!  Princess are you okay? Where's it hurting?" He asked frantically.

***your pov****

"Owwww!" I heard grace scream.  I stood up with Ethan and ran outside. I ran to where Niall and grace was. Grace was sat up holding her arm and Niall was panicking. "What happened?" I asked frantically. "I fell on my arm funny, it hurts alot!" Grace cried her blue eyes filling with tears. "Let me look at it" niall said taking a hold if graces hand and inspecting her arm. "Ow that hurts!" She cried when he moved it slightly. "It's probably broken, time to take a trip to the hospital" Niall said helping grace get up off the ground.
"It'll call Liam and also If he can have the baby for an hour" I said and niall nodded taking Ethan from me to put him and grace in the car.

They are on the phone talking. Y - you liam

L - hello

Y - hi Liam could you do me a huge favour?

L - Sure what do you need?

Y - could you look after Ethan from an hour why me and Niall take grace to the hospital

L- yeah just drop him off whenever,  but why does grace need to go to hospital?

Y - she was playing football with Niall and she tried to save a goal but she's fell funny and we think she's broke her arm

L- is there ever at time when that girl isn't injured

Y- i know, she's always hurting herself , we'll drop Ethan off soon , bye

L- see you soon.

At the hospital

"She has broken her arm in two places and will need a cast on for 6 weeks to allow it to heal properly." The doctor explained. Niall and I nodded. "So what colour cast do you want?" The doctor asked grace. "Umm.... purple" she said .


"This makes my arm feel heavy" Grace complained.  "Well then, you and your dad should be more careful" I said sternly,  while Niall and grace rolled their eyes. "I saw you both roll your eyes" I said and the chuckled. "it was dad's fault anyway" Grace said. "What!how?" Niall said turning around looking at grace (you're driving). "Well I had to dive to save because your kick was as dodgy as you are " Grace replied smirking slightly at her comeback. "Oi!  I'm not dodgy!!" Niall defended. "Save it Niall, sassed by your 12 year old daughted" I chuckled. "You need to spend less time with Louis' tribe!" Niall retorted and grace giggled.  (By louis' tribe, I just mean Louis and his sons and daughters)

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