Your son dies

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Our 5 year old son Liam had been in hospital for a while now, he had a rare form of cancer.

Niall and I walked into our baby's hospital room and sat either side of him in the bed. His brown hair had gone, his blue eyes looked tired, he was pale and from the look of him he looked in pain.

Niall and I held his hands. Niall kissed his forehead. Tears came to both of our eyes at the sight of our son like this but we stayed strong.
"How are you son?" Niall asked "I'm tired daddy" He said his blue eye looking tiredly at his daddy.

"Mummy" Liam said quietly. I looked at him and smiled sadly. "I love you mummy, don't be sad when I go to heaven, I don't like seeing you and daddy sad. And make sure you have another baby, a baby sister for me when I leave and tell her about her cool big brother" He said quietly but loud enough that Niall and I heard. I glanced at Niall he was looking at Liam with tears streaming down his face.
"I will Honey, and we'll make sure you have a baby sister and we will tell her everyday about how amazing you are" I whispered kissing his cheek .
"Daddy?" He said to Niall. Niall looked at him sadly. "I love you daddy, make sure you look after mummy and my future baby sister, and don't be sad" He said and Niall nodded kissing him on the cheek. "I love you too Liam" he whispered.

The heart monitor beeped and a flat line ran across the screen. My baby had gone. I silently cried. I heard a loud sob and looked at Niall who was sobbing. He stood up and walked to me. I stood up and hugged him. "At least he isn't in pain anymore" Niall whispered in my ear. "My baby" I whispered more tears escaping my eyes


Niall_official: Rest In Peace Son. I Love you so much, you will be missed my little Irish prince. I never thought this would happen to us! I never thought I would lose you but I have. I've lost one of the most important people in my life. I Love You Liam James Horan 😭😞 x me and mummy will miss you

Y/n_Horan: My baby boy taken away from us too soon. I never thought this day would come but it has. I'll miss you baby boy. Me and Daddy love you so much and we always will.
R.I.P Liam James Horan

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