#5 You have a miscarriage

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I had just come back from the doctors since I was bleeding and had weird pains in my stomach and I found out that I have had a miscarriage. I was 6 months pregnant with mine and Niall's little baby girl, but I lost her, I had a miscarriage. The doctors said it was unusual to have a miscarriage this far along but I did, and I lost my daughter. I had only known for about an hour but I was sat alone in the nursery that was supposed to be for mine and Niall's daughter. We picked her name, we had everything for Emily Mia Horan. I heard the door open, I guess niall was back.

Niall's pov.

I opened the front door to mine and y/n's house but I couldn't see anyone. "Princess, where are you?" I shouted through the house. No reply. It was quiet again and I could hear her crying. I walked upstairs and into the nursery that was ready for my baby girl. I saw y/n on the chair in the nursery with her face buried in her hands crying. I sat down next to her and hugged her. "What's wrong princess?" I said and moved her hair out of her face. "Your going to hate me" she said. "I won't, I could never hate you, I love you y/n" I said nervous of what's happened. "I had a miscarriage, I lost our little Emily." She whispered crying even more. A tear ran down my cheek and I hugged y/n again. "We can get through this, together" I whispered and she nodded.

I had known about The miscarriage for a day and I still hadn't told my mum. She was so excited to have a granddaughter, but not as excited as I was to have a baby of my own. I got my phone and called my mum. After 3 rings she picked up. "Hello niall " she said cheerily. "Hi mum, I need to tell you something " I said , the sadness evident in my voice. " is it about the baby?" She asked worried. "Yeah"I whispered another tear rolling down my cheek. "What happened sweetie, please tell me it's good." She said, "it isn't, y/n h...ha..had...A. ..M. .miss...missss. . Miscarriage." I stuttered, more tears running down my face. I could her my mum crying through he phone too. "I'm so so sorry Niall, I know how excited you and y/n were son " she said sadly.

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