#8 You take your children to the boys concert

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Your POV.

I was getting the kids ready to go to one of the boys concerts since the kids really wanted to go. It would also be the kids first concert so they were excited. I was giving our 2 year old daughter Lillie a bath while niall was getting our 6 year old son Liam ready. 

. "Y/n are you ready yet?" He asked while walking into the bathroom. "I'm ready but I'm just putting Lillie's clothes on her I already dried her hair." I told him and he nodded and started to help me dress Lillie.  "Where's Liam?" I asked. "He's watching the TV" Niall replied and I nodded. "All done baby" I said to Lillie in in a baby voice. I was about to pick her up but niall took her. "You look beautiful princess" he said to her and kissed her forehead. We all went downstairs.  "Liam are you ready?" I asked Liam.  "Yeah I just Need you to tie my shoes for me please" he said and I nodded. I bent down in front of him and tied his shoe laces for him. "Let's go" I said,

At the arena

We were all currently sat in the dressing room and when the boys go on stage me, Liam and Lillie are gonna go and sit in front row or at the side of the stage.

The boys have just gone on stage

I held Liam's hand and held Lillie my other arm and took them to the front row. Liam stood next to me and I was stood up holding Lillie . The kids loved the concert

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