#87 Cute Baby Moments

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I was sat on the sofa next to Niall who had our one year old daughter Grace asleep on him.

"I can't belive she's already one" I said looking down at the brown haired baby. "I know, it seems like she was born yesterday, she's growing up so fast" Niall said and I nodded agreeing.

Grace started to move around signalling she was going to wakeup. She penned her bright blue eyes and niall sat her up on his lap. "Did you have a nice nap?" Niall asked in a baby voice. "Dadda pway? " She mumbled.  "You want dadda to play with you?" Niall asked and she nodded. 

Niall stood up placing grace on the floor and he got her toy box out from the corner and lied down on his stomach in front of grace. "Dadda! " Grace shouted giving Niall two barbie dolls. "Thank you" he said.  "The things I do for you princess" he mumbled . I took a photo of them.

Y/n_Horan: Niall_official playing dolls wih Grace! He won't admit but he loves it!

Grace started to crawl away from Niall. "Hey! Where are you going?" He asked. The baby just giggled and sat in front of the baby gate on the living room door which was on the opposite side of the room. "I thought you wanted to play with me?" He asked a d grace giggled again. "Rejected by you're own baby" I  chuckled. Niall narrowed his eyes at me in a joking manner.  "Princess come back! You said you wanted to play with me " Niall said sitting up and holding his arms out toward grace, what she would usually do to him. She looked at me and then niall and then me again. She then started crawling towards Niall. She reached Niall and climbed on his lap. "Dadda hair" she said while touching Niall's hair. "Yeah dadda has hair just like our do! " he said ruffling her hair. "No!" She said smacking his hand away from her hair. He went to touch her hair again and she did he same thing again. Niall bit his lip trying to not laugh at her reaction while I chuckled quietly.

Grace kept touching Niall's hair, pulling it occasionally but he didn't mind. "Do you like dadda's hair grace? " I asked.  She nodded.  "Dadda have nice hair!" She mumbled still playing wih Niall's hair and patting his head like a dog. "Soft hair! " She mumbled fascinated by Niall's hair. "Does he have soft hair?" I asked and she nodded. "Good luck in getting her of you and away from you hair" I said to niall and he chuckled. "I don't mind her playing with my hair,  she enjoys it" he said

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