#78 part two

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Part two

Niall and I had gotten back together just over a month ago. We have had a few arguments but nothing major. Lillie can walk now she took her first steps a few weeks ago and today my two baby boys turn 13.

"Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Liam and Luke, happy birthday to you" Me, Niall and lillie sang to the twins before they opened their main present. Their main present was a joint one and all their other presents where at mauras since we are flying out to Ireland today.

Niall put Lillie down on the floor and she crawled towards the twins. The twins opened their present and gasped. They looked at me and Niall with wide eyes. Liam picked the little puppy up. "You got us a dog! Thank you so much!" They said. "Puppy!" Lillie smiled stroking the puppy on Liam's lap. "Your gonna have to name it" Niall told them. "How about max?" Luke suggested and liam agreed. "Yeah, that's a good name"


We opened the door to mauras house. Maura had thrown a little family party for the twins so there was alot of Niall's family that was going to be there. Niall took our luggage upstairs and then came downstairs wih Maura. She hugged us all smiling. "Oh my! I can't believe you two are 13, it doesn't seem like yesterday you was born" she gushed. She then took Lillie from my arms. " You have gotten so big dear!" She smiled at her. "She can walk now" I told Maura.  "Really?" She asked and I nodded. Niall took Lillie from maura and placed her on the floor. He then took a few steps back and put his arms out. "C'mon princess, walk to dadda" Niall encouraged. She shakily walked to Niall and he picked her up.


The twins had opened all their presents and the part had started , all of Niall's family was here. Lillie was walking around the garden and the twins were having a water fight.

Liam sprayed lillie with his water gun making her cry.  Niall picked lillie up and chuckled. "it's jut water princess, should we join in?" Niall asked her in a baby voice and she nodded. Niall went inside with lillie and came back out with her and a gigantic water gun. He ran after Liam and Luke spraying them with water as lillie giggled bouncing up and down in his arms because of him running.

"Best birthday ever!" They twins said to me.

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