#49 You and your baby goes on holiday with his family

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In this you and niall only have lillie and she is 2

Your POV

"Niall what time do we need to be at the airport?" I ask niall who is packing some last minute things. "Umm I don't know I think last night my mum said 3" he replies." Have you seen Lillie's swimming costumes?" I ask him while I was packing my suitcase. Lillie didn't have her own suitcase we jut put her stuff in each of our suitcases. "They are downstairs on top of the washing machine" he tells me.

10 minutes later

It was around 1pm so we all needed to leave in two hours. Niall and I had finished packing ours and Lillie's things. (Forgot to say that they are at Maura's) we are going to Florida on a family holiday with Niall's family. It would be me,niall,lillie,Greg,Denise,theo, Maura and bobby. It was Lillie's first time on a plane and her second holiday . Niall and I took lillie on a cruise last year .

We both went downstairs and sat down on the couch cuddled on the sofa. The whole family was here and lillie was sat on the floor playing with Greg and Theo . " do you think she will be okay on the plane?" I ask niall . he turns his head and looks at me. "I think she will because she rarely ever cries anyway. But she's going to have to sit on one our laps" he says.

At the airport

We were all sat in the waiting place waiting for our flight to be called. "You know Lillie looks more and more like niall every day" Denise says looking at lillie who was sat in my lap drinking her milk. "I know, she has my nose though" I chuckle.

"Flight 625 to Florida now boarding" the announcer says. I was about to stand up when niall took lillie out of my lap. I got up and held nislls hand as we walked towards the gate to get on the plane. "Are you ready to go on a big plane for the very first time princess?" Niall asks lillie in a baby voice. Lillie just smiles and giggles at him.

We take our seats.niall is sat in the window seat with Lillie on his lap, I'm sat in the middle and Maura is sat on the end next to me. The plane starts to take off and lillies lip starts to quiver and she starts whimpering. "Don't worry princess! We are going on holiday!" Niall says trying to distract her. It doesn't work. She cries. Lillie rarely cries unless she's really frightened or cranky. "Shh princess down worry daddy's here!" Niall says and starts to tickets her and make funny faces to distract her. I look at them both and smile. Once we are in the air we take our seat belts off. Lillie stands up on Niall's lap facing him and holding his hand. She sticks her tongue out at him and he does the same. "Like father like daughter!" I mumble causing Maura to chuckle. "At least we know were she got her weirdness from!" Maura says and I giggle. "She's basically the female baby version of niall" I say and maura agrees. "She is exactly like niall, looks and personality and the love of food" I add . I glance at them and see that lillie is squishing nialls face. "Lillie what are you doing to daddy's face?" I ask her sweetly. "Dadda squishy " she smiles causing me to giggle.

At the hotel

Niall and I make our way to our hotel room with lillie walking slowly next to me holding my hand. We walk into the hotel room and see that there is only a king size bed and no cot (crib). I sigh. "There's no cot for her" is sighed. "It doesn't matter, she can sleep with us" niall says. "For 2 weeks?" I asked him to see if he was serious. "Yeah, it doesn't bother me" niall tells me. "Fine, but do you realize how annoying it is sleeping next to two people that snore and take all the Covers!" I say raising my eyebrows. "Oh well we are in Florida you won't need the covers" he chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"I said we would meet maura at the pool for a swim so can you get lillie ready." I ask niall and he nods.

5 minutes later he comes in with lillie who was wearing a cute purple summer dress, white sandles, white sunglasses and a white summer hat. "Aww she looks so cute" I say looking at her. "Has she got a swimming costume on?" I ask. "Yeah and the swimming diaper thing" he tells me. "I need to take a picture she looks so damn cute!" I smile. "Language!" Niall warns and I chuckle and roll my eyes again. (BTW niall is shirtless because they are going to the pool and he is holding lillie) I take a picture of them . "this is twitter worthy!" I say.

Your/twitter/name- Ready for the pool and just had to take a picture! Lillie looks so cute and Niall looks good too :) @Niall_official

We go to the pool and maura is lied on a sun lounger.I sit next to her and niall sits next to me. He places lillie on the ground so she can walk around but he keeps an eye on her. The hotel was quite quiet because there wasn't many families her mainly just couples and a few babies.

I hear a splash and look over to the pool. I look around and don't see lillie. "Niall!!! I think she's fell in!" I panicked getting up towards the pool. I couldn't swim though. I was about to jump in but niall dived in. Maura stood next to me and I had tears in my eyes. I saw niall dive down and get lillie. He swam back up and climbed out the pool with lillie in his arms crying. "Shh princess your okay now" he soothes. "Is she okay?" I panick. "Yeah just a bit shaken up that's all" he tells me. "Thank god" I sigh.

1 hour later.

"I'm gonna take her in the pool with me" Niall says picking Lillie up from my lap. "Okay but don't let her go under!" I tell him. "Do you really think I would?" He asked sarcastically raising his eyebrows.he got in the pool with lillie. I still sat with maura and I was watching them.
Niall was holding Lillie's hands while she was paddling in front of him. "Well done princess!" Niall praises her and she giggles. "See I told you it isn't scary! Its fun!" He says in a baby voice.

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