#27 Your daughter has a teen pregnancy

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I have a real good idea for this one. Liam and Luke are 20 (moved out), Noah is 17 and Lillie is 14

Your pov

I was currently cooking dinner so that it would be ready for when Noah and Lillie get back from school. I felt niall wrap his arms around my waist , I turned my head and smiled but I carried on cooking.  "What ya cooking good lookin?" Niall asked. "Spaghetti bolognaise with homemade garlic bread" I replied. "Need any help?" He asked unwrapping his arms from around my waist and standing next to me, "no, it's nearly done now anyway" I replied an he nodded

At the dinner table

We was nearly finished with dinner and Lillie looked very nervous. Noah had finished his dinner and gone upstairs but Lillie was still eating ."Mum, Dad?" Lillie said and I looked up. "I..I..need to..t..tell you something" she said and I nodded.

Niall's pov

"What do you need to tell us princess?" I asked Lillie.  "Umm..I..I..I" she stuttered. "I..I.im p...p...pregnant" she said and started crying. My eyes widened. "WHAT?!" I shouted. "YOUR FOURTEEN, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING! WHO'S THE FATHER!!??" I screamed and y/n stood up and grabbed my arm. "Calm down niall" she said . "CALM DOWN!? MY FUCKING FOURTEEN YEAR OLD DAUGHTER IS PREGNANT HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CALM DOWN?!" I yelled. Lillie was crying even more now. "WHO'S THE FATHER?" I asked Lillie sternly. She looked up at me and her eyes which were identical to mine were filled with tears. "I..I..d..don't...k..know" she stuttered quietly and y/n gasped. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN? YOU DONT KNOW?! YOU SHOULD KNOW WHO YOU HAD SEX WITH!" I yelled at Lillie. She shook her head sadly. "I..I..I..w..w.was.." she stuttered . "You was what?" I asked more calmly. I was still angry but I was now tying to remain calm. Y/n had left the room since she had to go to work but she was going to talk to Lillie after I have. "I..I..w..was..r..r..raped" she said quietly and began crying even more. Once she said this I felt bad that I had shouted at Lillie and I feel angry at the person that did this to her. I walked towards her and hugged her. "I'm so sorry princess" I said and kissed her forehead while running my hand through her long brown hair. "I..its okay, y.you didn't know" she said and buried her head in my chest. "That's not excuse, I still shouldn't have shouted at you that much" I said."I Love You Dad" she said and I smiled. "I love You Too Princess" I replied and she kissed my cheek.

Your pov

6 Months Pregnant

Lillie was now 6 months pregnant and niall has been even more protective of her. We found out 2 months ago that she was having a girl. Both niall and I are going to help her raise the baby so Lillie will still be able to go to school and get the career she wanted. "Have you thought of any names yet?" I asked and she shook her head. "I know that I'm gonna have grace as her middle name though" she said and I nodded. "Do you want some help comin up with names?" Niall asked and she nodded her head. Niall sat down next to her and pulled his phone out. "Adyson Grace,  Emily Grace, Niamh Grace," Niall suggested. "i really like Emily Grace" she said and niall nodded.


Niall's pov

I was sat down on the sofa cuddling with y/n. Lillie was 8 months pregnant and she was in the kitchen. "AHHH! MUM! DAD!" Lillie shouted and I instantly shot up and went to her . "Your in labour princess,  come on lets get you to hospital" I said to her and helped her up the door. Y/n was following and she had gotten the baby bag. I drove to the hospital wih Lillie and y/n

After birth

Lillie had just given birth to her daughter, y/n and I was in the room with her and I hated seeing her in so much pain. Lillie was currently holding the baby on her chest.  Y/n and me sat either side of Lillie.  "She's beautiful like you princess" I said. "Yeah she is" y/n agreed. A midwife then came in the room. "Do our have a name for her?" She asked and Lillie nodded. "Emily Grace Horan" she said and smiled. "Do you want to hold her dad?" Lillie asked and I nodded she passed Emily over to me and she opened her eyes. "The tradition is still going, she's got the blue horan eyes" I said smiling as I looked down at her.  "You know,  she looks exactly like you did as a baby" I told Lillie and she smiled. Holding Emily brought back so many memories of the 3 times I came here when my own babies were born.

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