Niall goes on A League of their own

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Your POV

Today Niall was going to go on the tv show A League of their own. I'm going to go with him and sit in the audience with the baby. Aaliyah is now 2 weeks old.

"Princess? Can you both still come today?" Niall asked coming into the room while he was feeding Aaliyah a bottle. "Yeah, we are going to sit in the audience" I told him. He sat down next to me with Aaliyah. "Are you taking her pram with you?" He asked. I shook my head. "I'll just carry her and hold her because we are gonna be sat in the middle of the audience.


Niall's POV

"Now please welcome, Louis, Harry and Niall!" James corden said. We all walked down the stars through the audience I spotted y/n and Aaliyah and smiled at her. We sat down behind the panel. On our team it was me,Jamie,Harry and Louis. We are the red team.

"You know, that is probably one of the sexiest panels we've ever had on the show!" Jack Whitehall said pointing to our team. The audience laughed and we all smiled. "You look like a proper band though" James said. "I'm old enough to be their dads!" Jamie said making us all laugh.

"Actually! Niall you recently became a dad didn't you?" James said. "Yeah I did" I said smiling. "So you're not a virgin?" James said. Everyone started to laugh at the stupid question. I put my head down on the desk and lifted it back up and laughed. "Do you want to meet her or not?" I asked laughing. "Wait she's here!?" James asked and I nodded. "Y/n is over there and she has her" I said pointing to y/n. "Can I actually meet her?" He asked. "I'll go get her" I said and stood up. I walked to where y/n was in the audience. She passed Aaliyah to me. I held Aaliyah in my arms, close to my chest and walked back to the panel. I looked down at her. "She's awake!" I said.

I went to James and passed her to him. "Aww! She's cute! She looks like you"  he said and I smiled. She started to get fussy and started to cry. "Oh god, what've I done?" James said passing her back to me. Everyone laughed and she calmed down once I held her again. James tusked "such a daddy's girl" he said. "You should keep her with you! She can be part of the panel" James said. "Where am I gonna put her when we do the games?" I asked laughing. "We have a high chair for her to sit in!" He said and someone put a high chair next to my seat. I went to the panel and put Aaliyah in the highchair and I sat down. "Can I ask why you have a high chair?" I asked. "You know what Niall, I have no idea" he said.

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