#26 You do a interview with Niall and your daughter

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In this imagine you only have one child which is Lillie and she is nearly 3. Btw you and niall are both 24

Your pov

Niall, Lillie and I had been invited on the Ellen show to do an interview. I was currently getting myself Ready and niall was getting himself and Lillie ready. I wanted to look nice but I also dressed casual. I wore some black skinny jeans and a white blouse with my white converse and I curled my hair . I did my makeup which just consisted of concealer, mascara and a nude lip.

Niall then came in the room with Lillie in his arms. Niall was wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt , white high tops and his hair was in the normal quiff.  He had put a light pink dress with a white bow on the stomach part (idk what to call it) on Lillie and he also put her in white tights and some light pink flats. "You ready?" He asked and I nodded.

Skip to interview

"Now let's welcome our next guests, Niall, Y/n and Lillie Horan!" Ellen said as we walked out. Lillie held onto Niall's hand but she was walking very slow and looking at the audience so niall picked her up and carried her over to the seats. Niall sat down and had Lillie on his lap and I sat next to him. "So Hello, how are you feeling?" Ellen asked . "Good" Niall said smiling. "And you? " she asked me.  "im fine thank you how about you? " i smiled."im good and hello to you" she said smiling at Lillie . Lillie was a very shy person so she just hid her head in Niall's chest. Niall just laughed and I smiled.  "Don't worry I'm nice, but what's your name sweetie?" Ellen asked Lillie and she moved her head away from Niall's chest. " my names lillie" she said quietly . "That's a nice name, but what's your full name?" Ellen asked. "Lillie Grace Horan" she said starting to warm up to Ellen.  "That's a beautiful name" she said smiling at Lillie. "We can get another chair for her instead of her staying on your lap" Ellen said to niall. "No it's fine thank you" he said politely and she nodded. "Well first question, who picked her name,  because that is one gorgeous name?"she asked. "It was actually Niall that picked it" I said looking over to him and he went red and smiled. "Really?!" She asked and he nodded ." Well how is family life?" She asked. "I love it, I thought it would have been hard looking after a baby, it is but I love it and I just love that I get to see her grow up" Niall said and the audience awed.  "Planning anymore children?" She asked . " We would like more children in the future preferably 2 boys but right now we're happy with it being just us 3" I explained and she nodded . "Well you recently gotten married so what was that like?" Ellen asked lookin between you and niall. " it was amazing,  most people would rather get married and then have children but honestly having your chid evolved in your wedding day is amazing!" Niall said smiling,  "so Lillie,  what did you do at your mummys and daddy's wedding?" Ellen asked Lillie.  "Umm.... I threw blue petals on the floor before mummy came out in a pretty white dress and went to daddy!" She said cutely while playing with Niall's hands. "Awe she's so cute" Ellen said while smiling at Lillie. She looked back towards us . "So any funny stories from the wedding? " she asked and niall nodded. "Tell me about this story" she said. "Well, half way through our first dance Lillie came running towards us and sat on the back of y/n's wedding dress and wouldn't move until we let her dance with us so in the end our first dance turned out to be me and y/n dancing sort of and me holding Lillie" Niall explained. "Any other funny stories?" She asked and I nodded. "Well during the party after the wedding Niall's mum, Maura,  was saying saying a speech abut how she's happy that her son had gotten married and things like that. But before she ended her speech she threw a condom at niall and then said ' use this son I'm too young to have another grandchild' , Niall was mortified he went so red and everyone else just laughed" I said laughing myself. "We have a video of it" Ellen said and smirked "oh no!" Niall said.

The video

'Niall I've got something for you' she said and threw the condom at niall.'use this because i am too young for another grand baby. '

"Oh my god, you can hear all the boys laughing in the background" I said while wiping away my tears from laughing. "Oh my god, look how red you went" she said. "You looked like a tomato " I said to him and he began to laugh. "Daddy , what's a condom?" Lillie asked , the audience laughed but Niall's jaw dropped and he looked at me wondering what he should say. I just shrugged My shoulders. "I..I.its a balloon for adults" Niall said tryng to not laugh. "Can I have a condom daddy? Please! " she said and I put my head in my hands and laughed. "No" Niall said quickly.

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