#84 Twin toddler Troubles

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In this imagine you and Niall only have the twins, Ethan and Aaliyah who are 2.

"Terrible twos really is a thing" I sighed holding Aaliyah while Niall held Ethan.  "I know" Niall said.


"Aaliyah stop it!" I told her sternly while she whined thrashing about when I tried to fasten her car seat. "Stop it Aaliyah, we have to go to grandma's! " I said sighing slightly. She didn't listen.
I glanced at Niall who had put Ethan in his car seat with very little problems. "Niall can you help me, she's just being moddy" I sighed and he nodded coming to our side of the car. She kept thrashing around as we tried to fasten her in. Niall held the arm part up while I put her arms through and we fastened her in.


"Hey mum, hey dad" Niall smiled cheerily carrying Aaliyah. "Hey Maura,  hey bobby" I greeted while holding Ethan.  We went into the living room and greeted greg and theo. I sat I between greg and Niall while the twins where on the floor playing with Theo and Maura and Bobby was in the kitchen cooking dinner. "How have the twins been?" He asked. "They've been fine just going through terrible twos which isn't a good thing" I chuckled. "Theo never really went through that stage, but he didn't have anyone to cause trouble with where as those two have each other" he said and I nodded.

Nialls pov

I looked up from my phone to check on the 3 children playing. Aaliyah wasn't their but I suddenly heard heard a loud scream from a certain baby. I shot up and ran to the kitchen. Mum and dad nipped to the shop and greg and y/n where hot on my heels. "Dadda!!" She cried running towards me holding her hand. I bent down in front of her. "What have you done princess?" I asked her "hand! " She cried. "She me princess" I said in a baby voice. She opened her hand and I held it up with my hand. "Did you touch the top of the oven?" I asked and she nodded. I picked her up and went to the sink. Y/n and greg had gone back to the living room because I told them that I'll take care of Aaliyah. 

I stood in front of the sink with Aaliyah crying in my arms and turned the tap on."it's gonna be cold, but it will make it not hurt okay princess" I told her and she nodded sniffling.  I moved her hand under the water. I held her hand under the water for 5 minutes and inspected the burn again. It wasn't a serious burn but I know it hurt her and it would be their for a while. I carried her over to the freezer and put some ice in a towel placing It on her hand. "Keep that there" I told her and she nodded. "Are you okay now princess?" I asked. She sniffled. "Dadda it still hurts" she whined. "I at will do princess but you'll be okay" I told her.

I took her back into the living room and sat down next to Greg with her on my lap. She leaned back into my chest and I wrapped my arms around he as she kept sniffling.  "You princess are not going anywhere,  we don't want you to hurt yourself again" I whispered kissing her head. Mum and dad walked back into the room.  "Dinner should be ready soon, what's wrong with her?" My mum asked concerned as Aaliyah had a bag of ice on her hand and she was only two. "She touched the top of the oven and burnt herself" I told her glancing down t Aaliyah who was sleeping on me. I smiled slightly. I readjusted the ice pack and held it on her hand since she was asleep. "Is she okay?" My mum asked. "Yeah, it did hurt her but she's fine now I took care of it" I told her and she nodded "did you put her hand under cold water for 5 minuted before you gave her an ice pack?" She asked. "Yes I did" I said rolling my eyes slightly.

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