#82 The children ask about Lillie

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In this imagine Lillie had sadly died of cancer when she was 4.
Grace is 14, Ethan and Aaliyah are 11.

Niall's pov

Myself and my children where going through family photos of when they where little and photos of me and y/n before hey where born.

"Dad, is this from yours and mums wedding?" Grace asked holding up the photo of me and y/n dancing. It was our first dance and she had her head buried in my chest and she was crying

"Yeah it is, it was our first dance, we where dancing to Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran, he was there performing it" I told them. They loved when I told them stories about me and y/n. Y/n then walked in the room. She smiled and sat next to me . "Mum you looked beautiful on your wedding day" Grace said smiling. "Thank you sweetie" she smiled. "She did, she looked absolutely stunning,  she does everyday" I said and y/n smiled.

"Dad , mum is this me and Ethan? " Aaliyah asked holding up the photo of me and y/n on her hospital bed, I had Aaliyah in my arms and y/n was holding Ethan.  "Yeah it is, I went into labour with you two at your grandma Maura's and I went into labour with grace at home" y/n told them.

"is that me?" Grace asked . I looked at the photo she was holding and it was of me and her when she was around 1. It was one of my favourite photos of me and grace.  It was of me doing push ups over her and she was giggling and kicking my stomach lightly. "Yeah it is you, you had pretty powerful feet for a one yer old too! You kept kicking me in my stomach when I tried that with you" I told her chuckling a kissing her laugh.

The kids all knew what they looked like as babies. "Dad?" Grace asked. "Hmm?" I asked looking at her. "Who's holding me on that photo?" She asked showing me a photo of Lillie holding her. I tried to not cry since every time I think about Lillie I seem to cry. Y/n and I visit her grave more or less every day when the kids are at school. The kids didn't know about Lillie we just never told them and every time we went to we didn't because we would end up crying.

"Me and your mum will tell you all now, so listen carefully" I said standing up. They nodded staying on the floor. I went into my bedside table and pulled out a book. The book had a picture of e, Lillie and y/n on the front and in pink writing it said 'Rest In Peace my little angel' I sat back down with the book in front of me. The book contained lots of photos of Lillie from her being a baby up until she was four.

"So the little girl holding Grace in the photo is your big sister" y/n told them. They gasped. "What? We have a big sister? Where is she? What's her name? " Ethan asked. "Well her name is Lillie Mai Horan, she was 3 year older than Grace" I started to explain. "Where is she?" Grace asked. I told her to listen and not interrupt.

"So it was me, your mum and lillie for 3 years and then we found out your mum was pregnant with grace, we couldn't have been happier but it all took a turn for the worst. Not long after Grace was born Lillie was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, it had a 5% survival rate" I told them tears filling up in my eyes I looked at the kids and saw that they all had tears in their eyes too. "The was in and out of hospital for 4 months which ment that grace spent a lot of time in my mums care. After those 4 moths she suddenly got worse and had to stay in hospital, which mea t grace basically lived with my mum, my mum understood why and and didn't care about having grace as long as Lillie was okay. Lillie had to spend her fourth birthday in hospital because she was too sick to even go home for a day, so everyone came to the hospital and we all celebrated with her. 2 weeks after she tuned four, I was in Lillie's hospital bed with her on my lap and your mum next to me. She was saying that she loved me, your mum and grace and we where saying how much we love her. After she said ' I love you daddy' she died in my arms. After her death, both your mum and I became depressed so grace still lived wih my mum we went to see her all the time but we just weren't ready to take care of her fully because she was only a few months which would cause a lot of stress. 2 months after lillies death grace came back with us and we tried to live with it, we still though of Lillie very day but we had to think about grace because she needed us. " I explained a tear running down my face.

"I never knew her but I know she's looking down on us all" Ethan said in the middle of our family hug

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