#12 Telling his family your pregnant with twins

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"Y/n are you ready to tell my family about the twins" he asked and I nodded. You and niall found out that you weren't having one baby you were having 2 boys. The doctor had told us that they will most likely be identical. I had already told my family so we just needed to tell Niall's family. Both niall and I were married and had been for 1 year and we lived together in a big house just outside our hometown. Our families already knew I was pregnant they just didn't know the gender or that they are twins.

At nialls mums house.

Me and niall had been at his mum's house for about an hour and you were going to tell them soon . You were about 5 months along , i only found out the genders and that they are twins recently because originally I wanted it to be a surprise but then I realised that lots of things could go wrong when shopping for them if it was a surprise. "Y/n did you find out the gender or is it still going to be a surprise?" Maura asked you. (Btw Bobby, Greg, Denise and theo are there too)  "yeah we did find out the gender since we realised it would be hard shopping for the baby, but I will let niall tell you the gender" I said trying to cover up the fact that they are twins . Everybody looked towards niall since he was going to tell them. "Well, it isn't one baby we will be shopping for its two and they are both boys!" Niall said excitedly.  "TWINS!! You lucky bastard!!!" Greg said since he had always wanted to have twins. Niall just smirked,"are you jealous?" He asked cockily.  "Very!"Greg said. "Anyway congratulations y/n. I would say it to niall too but he's busy" Maura said and we just looked at the two grown men wrestling on the floor. (Niall and Greg are wrestling) "what gender did you want originally? " Maura asked. "I weren't bothered but I know that Niall really wanted a girl but he's still happy" I told her and she nodded. " Since niall was younger he's always said that he wants his first child to be a girl but he always said he wouldn't mind if it was a boy" she told me. "He told me that and he also said that he wants 3 or 4 children" I said to Maura."Really , to be honest I always thought niall would never have kids since he acts like one himself and he was always touring and never really had time to spare" she told me. "He also told me that if he has a daughter he would spoil her and she would be a daddy's girl which I believe " I said and she laughed and shook her head. "Do you think you will ever have more kids after the twins" she asked and I nodded. "Definitely I really want to have maybe another boy and then a girl" I told her.

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