#10 your family pet dies and the kids are upset

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Our family pet which is a dog has recently died. The children have no idea since the boys are at school and Lillie is at nursery. Niall and i are both quite upset since we got our dog max 11 years ago, not long before the twins were born. All the kids loved max and we considered him a member of the horan family.

"Nialler how are we gonna tell the kids about max?" I asked . "I honestly have no idea, we are probably better off just getting them together and telling them" he said and I nodded. "There gonna be so upset, especially Liam and Luke" I said and he nodded. The twins (Liam and luke) had been very close to Max since they were born. The twins are 10 and we've had Max for 11 years so the twins were the closest with him . Before Noah was born, who is 6, Max and the twins were inseparable , they still are.

"Do you want to come with me to pick the kids up?" Niall asked and I nodded. Both niall and I did cry about max but we are okay now we are obviously still upset but we are going to try and not show it for the kids sake.

Once we got back home we told Liam, Luke, Noah and Lillie to sit on the couch. Lillie was only 3 so she probably won't understand. "Okay so do you know how we told you that Max was sick?" Niall asked and they nodded. Liam and Luke looked down so I think they knew, "well he died earlier today while you were at school. " I told them. The 3 boys instantly started crying and then Lillie started crying because every one else was.i sat down on the sofa next to Liam and Niall sat next to Lillie.  "it will all be okay, and if you really want to we can get another dog but its won't compare to max" Niall said and I nodded, "family hug" I said and we all stood up and had a family hug, obviously niall had to pick Lillie up so she could join in since she couldn't walk very well yet.

I got this idea since my hamster died today. He was the best hamster ever. R.I.P my cute little ball of fur!

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