Family day out

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Aaliyah-5 Grace-4 Liam-1

Your POV

Today me and Niall are taking the kids to the zoo and then somewhere nice for dinner afterwards but it is still undecided where we are going because we are going to let the kids choose.

"I've put Liam's pram in the car, are the kids ready?" Niall asked. "Liam's ready to go but Aaliyah and Grace just need to put there shoes on" I said as they walked into the room with their shoes in their hands. "Mummy will you help me please?" Grace asked. I nodded and and she came over to me. I helped her out her shoes on and made sure Aaliyah had hers on. "Lets go then!" Niall said picking Liam up from the floor.
Niall put Liam in his car seat and I helped Aaliyah and Grace put their seat belts on.


We arrived at the zoo. Niall and I got out of the car and helped the kids out. I picked Liam up while Niall got the pram out. I placed Liam in his pram and fastened him in.
I started pushing the pram towards the entrance of the zoo. Niall was walking next to me and the girls where a tiny bit ahead.
The girls started racing each other to the entrance. "Aaliyah! Grace! Don't run off, come back here!" Niall said but they didn't hear him. Grace tripped up and Niall  and I jogged towards, me still pushing the pram. Niall picked Grace up from the floor and wiped her knee. "You okay?" He asked and she nodded.

Both girls walked either side of Niall and held hid hands while I was pushing the pram.

"Daddy! Look! There's a lion!" Aaliyah said enthusiastically pointing to the lion enclosure. "Do you want to go and look at them?" I asked and she nodded. We walked to the lion enclosure. I bent down at the side of the pram that Liam was in. "Look Liam it's a lion like Simba!" I said pointing . He clapped his hands and giggled.

Grace gasped and pointed to the giraffes . "Mummy! Daddy! Please can we see the giraffes and feed them! " Grace begged. "Of course princess" Niall said as we walked over to them. Giraffes where Graces favourite animal. Lions where Aaliyah's favourite and tigers where Liam's favourite.

"Can we feed them daddy?" Grace asked. Niall nodded. "Are you coming too?" He asked Aaliyah who shook her head with a frown in her face . "What's wrong princess?" Niall asked bending  down in front of her. "I feel sick and my head is hurting" she said and hugged Niall. Niall hugged her and then pulled away from the hug . "Me and Grace will feed the giraffes and then we can get something to eat and drink" Niall told her standing up.

"where do you want to go for dinner?" Niall asked. "The girls can choose" I said. I leaned over the pram to check on Liam who was sleeping.
"Where do my two little princesses want to go for dinner?" Niall asked.
"Grace can choose" Aaliyah said. "Nando's!" She said happily. I chuckled shaking my head. "That's my girl!" Niall said high fiving Grace. "These kids are too much like you!" I said to Niall. "Nothing wrong with that" he chuckled. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Every time we go somewhere for dinner it's always Nando's that they want to go to" I said. He shrugged his shoulders. "Well I'm not complaining! And neither are the kids! Even Liam's not complaining!" He said.

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