#22 he shouts at your daughter

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Your pov..
Liam and Luke are 20 now, Noah is 18 and Lillie is 14. My 3 son's had moved out and gotten an apartment together so it was just me , Niall and Lillie at home now.

It was 11 pm and Lillie was suppose to be home at 8. I was sat in the living room waiting for Lillie to get back and niall was in the office playing guitar.

I heard the front door open signalling Lillie was back. I went into the hallway and stood in front of her with my arms crossed. "We're have you been! I have been worried sick!" I told her. "Why do you care?" She said sarcastically. "Because your my daughter and you came home two hours after curfew!" I said. "WHY DOES IT MATTER? I CAME HOME DIDN'T I?" She shouted. "2 HOURS AFTER YOU SHOULD HAVE!" I shouted back. "YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED FOR ALL I KNOW!" " WELL I WASN'T SO JUST GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE!" she shouted barging past me and going into the living room."NO, I WANT TO KNOW WHY YOU CAME HOME SO LATE!" I shouted at her as she at on the sofa .She stood up and came closer."YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW! YOU NEVER CARE ABOUT ME ANY OTHER DAY SO IT DOESNT MATTER NOW!" she screamed. What we didn't realise is that niall was stood at the side of the doorway in the hall waiting in to jump into the argument at he right moment. "YOUR MY LITTLE GIRL OF COURSE I CARE ABOUT YOU! I JUST WANT TO KNOW WHAT YOU WAS DOING!" I shouted and she came closer.
ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS THAT I WASN'T BEING A HOE LIKE YOU!" She shouted and I was taken aback. That was what made niall really mad. He rarely ever shouts at the kids but when he does they hate it since he is very scary. "LILLIE GRACE HORAN! DONT YOU DARE TALK TO YOUR MUM LIKE THAT!" he shouted going red from anger. Lillie looked taken a back but she carried on."It's true though, she is a slut she's got 4 kids for god sake which just proves she's a slut! " Lillie said smirking. I was very hurt from the words coming out of her mouth." YOUR MOTHER IS NOT A SLUT!"Niall yelled. "YES..SHE..IS!" Lillie said, "How is she a slut?" Niall asked . "First of all she's got 4 kids and it wouldn't suprise me if she's cheated on you!" She said . Niall clenched his jaw, which he only does when he is really angry. Lillie was about to see a side of her dad that she had never seen before. "SHE IS NOT A SLUT! SO WHAT IF SHE HAS 4 KIDS THAT I KNOW ARE ALL MINE INCLUDING YOU, I WOULD KNOW IF ONE OF YOU WASN'T MINE BUT YOU ALL LOOK LIKE ME AND YOU NEED TO GET SOME RESPECT FOR YOUR MOTHER!" He yelled even louder than before. I just stood there. Lillie stayed quiet and looked a the floor. Looking up at niall every now and again. "What happened? You haven't been like this before. Why now?. What happened to my little princess?" Niall said his voice cracking signalling he was probably going to cry. He hated shouting at his babies but sometimes he had to but Lillie had always been the most well behaved out of the 4. After hearing that Lillie looked up at niall with tears in her ocean blue eyes that are equal to Niall's. "I'm sorry" she said her voice cracking like Niall's did. "It isn't me you need to say sorry to" he said looking at me. Lillie came up to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and she kissed my cheek. " I love you mummy and I'm so sorry" she said softly and I smiled. She pulled back from the hug and smiled at me even though she still had tears rolling down her cheeks. She then walked to niall and hugged him tightly, burying her head in his chest since she was quite small. "I Love you daddy" she whispered still crying. "I love you too princess " he said and kissed the top of her head. "Your the best dad I could ask for and I promise to always be back on time and not disrespect anyone" she said. "it's okay princess, dont get worked up over it but just don't ever disrespect your mother" he said and she nodded and motioned for me to join in the hug. We had a sort of family hug. "We can't have a proper famil hug because we're missing the boys" I said.

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