#52 He gives your daughter a bath

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Lillie is 3, you don't have liam and Luke

"Lillie I'm going to have to give you a bath now!" Niall sighs looking at the three year old. I walk into the dining room where they are and see lillie covered in spaghetti bolegnaise " I can bath her if you want" I say."no its fine I'll do it you can go and watch something on TV" he replied and smiles at me. I nod and go back into the living room

Niall's POV

I pick up my daughter and carry her into the bathroom. "Stay her a minute" I tell her. I go to her room and get her some clean pyjamas and a towel. I go back I to the bathroom and she is sat on the toilet seat (lid is closed) waiting patiently. I start to run the bath for her. "Lillie do you want bubbles?" I ask her. "Yeah daddy" she replies. I add the bubbles in and stop the tap. I turn around and kneel in front of lillie. "Come on princess, let's get this dirty dress off you" I say taking her clothes off. (Not in a sexual way!!) Just as I was about to put her in the bath she tells me she doesn't want one "you need one princess" I tell her and she runs off...naked.

I chase her down the stairs and she goes into the kitchen. "Lillie come on!" I groan. "I don't want bath!" She shouts. "Well your having a bath and that's final!" I tell her sternly. "No!" She yells again. I walk over to the naked toddler and pick her up. I place her on my hip. "You need to start listening to me and mummy!" I tell her while carrying her upstairs.

I take her in the bathroom and place her in the bath. "Do you want your mermaid toy?" I ask her holding up an Ariel doll. She nods and I give it to her. I wash her hair and then let her play for 5 minutes. I take her put and wrap a towel around her. "Daddy its cold !" She whines. I put her pyjamas on her and pick her up. I take her into mine and y/ns room .I go into y/ns draw to get a hairbrush. I sit on the end of the bed with lillie in front of me and I brush her brown hair which she inherited from me. "Daddy can I have a plait in?(braid)" she asks sweetly. "Of course princess!" I say putting her short ,wet hair into a cute little braid.

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