#68 Life with a newborn

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You only have lillie and she is 1 week old.

I had given birth to Niall and I's first child, Lillie May Horan 1 week ago. I work as a vet but I am now on maternity leave so I won't be working for a few months and Simon is letting niall stay off work for a month or two so Niall can be with me and the baby.


I was awoken by crying again. I turned over and Niall sat up. "What time is it?" I whispered.  He looked over at his phone n his bedside table. "four thirty" he groaned. I sighed and started to climb out of bed. "No, you need your rest, I've got her" Niall said and smiled at me. I smiled at him. "Thank you" I whispered
and lied back down.

Niall's pov

I climbed out of bed and went into Lillie's nursery which was next to our bedroom.  I turned the light on and walked over to the cot. I looked down at her and she was red faced and crying loudly. "Shh" I soothed and picked he up carefully. I he, deer close to my chest and sat in the chair in the nursery with her. She was still crying loudly. "Shhh baby.....don't cry..daddy's here..shh" I soothed while rocking her.

After an hour she finally went back to sleep. I slowly stood up placing her back in her cot. I left the room and turned the light off. I got back in bed with y/n and went back to sleep.


I was woken up for the second time by Lillie screaming loudly.  I checked  y phone and it was 8. Y/n wasn't next to me because she had gone out with her friends earlier. I was so tired.

I got out of bed and went into lillies nursery. I picked her up and talked to her, gave her her dummy, tried to feed her, changed her nappy, gave her a bath, but nothing worked she was still crying .

It was now 9 am and lillie had still not stopped crying. I wasn't going to call y/n because I didn't want to ruin her day. "Lillie do you want your toy? Do you want daddy to play with you?" I said in a baby voice while making funny faces but it didn't work she was still crying. I groaned in frustration.  "I picked her up again and rocked her side to side hoping it will maybe work but it didn't.  "Please stop crying princess, daddy's tired and has a headache" I whispered.

I decided to call my mum because she would now what to do. I lied lillie down on the sofa next to me. I scrolled through my contacts and a called my mum. After 3 rings she picked up.

(M- Maura N- Niall)

M- hello Niall

N-hey mum

M- is that the baby crying?

N- yeah I need your help

M- What's wrong son?

N- I can't get Lillie to stop crying!  She's been crying nonstop for over an hour and she woke us up last night at half four and I'm just so tired, I've got a headache and I haven't had a full night sleep since she was born

M- have you tried cuddling with her or tickling her or anything like that?

N- yeah I have..

M- you might need to take her to the doctors she could be sick, since she's only a baby she can get sicknesses easily

N- okay, can she get anything bad?

M- No Niall she won't have anything bad wrong with her just maybe a little bug or high temperature

N- oh okay, thanks for the help, bye, Love you mum

M- bye, Love you too Nialler

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