Visiting ireland part 2

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Your POV

I woke up and looked beside me. Niall and Aaliyah were cuddled up together, both of them still sleeping. I looked over to the cot and Grace was stood up against it smiling at me. "Morning baby!" I said cheerily and sat up. I turned Niall's phone on and checked the time. 8:30 am.
I stood up and walked to the cot and picked Grace up. I left the room and went into the room Liam was sleeping in. I saw that he was awake. "Morning kiddo, coming for some breakfast?" I asked him. He nodded and stood up following me downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen. I saw Maura and she was cooking breakfast. "Morning Maura" I said and she smiled. "Good morning grandma" Liam said sitting at the table. "Good morning" she said. I placed Grace in the high chair at the end of the table and sat down next to Liam. "Where's Niall and Aaliyah?" She asked. "They're still asleep" I told her.

Soon after a tired looking Aaliyah came downstairs. "Morning sweetie" Maura said. "Morning grandma" she said and sat on the other side of me. "Is your daddy still asleep?" I asked her and she nodded. I wanted to go out with Niall and the kids straight after breakfast. "Liam, could you wake him up please?" I asked Liam and he nodded.

Niall's POV

I was woke up by someone nudging me. I opened my eyes and saw my son Liam. "Mum told me to wake you up" he said. "Okay, what time is it?" I asked. "9" he told me. "I'll be down soon let me just get dressed" I said and he nodded


Niall came downstairs and sat across from me . He smiled at me and smiled back. Maura placed each of our plates in front of us and she sat down next to Niall.
"So what are you and the kids doing today?" She asked me and Niall. "I think we are gonna show them around the town, because we've never really done that before and we might go to the fair" Niall said. "I know there's a lot of people that know you from when you where younger that want to meet these 3" Maura said.


"Bye mum! See ya later!" Niall said closing the door. "Aaliyah, hand? Liam I'm guessing your too cool to hold your dads hand" Niall said. "No, I'm just too old" he said and Niall and I chuckled. "Well I'll just do this then!" Niall said wrapping his arm around Liam's shoulder. I pushed Graces pram.

We went into a sweets shop. "I used to come here all the time as a kid" Niall said and I smiled. The person who owns the shop came out from the back and smiled. "Hello Billy(made up name) not seen you since I was about 16" Niall said. "I know , you used to always come here! You did too" He said
"Daddy! Can we get these?" Aaliyah asked pointing to some sweets. "Daddy?" Billy asked Niall. "Yeah, this is my wife y/n, weve been together 15 years, married for 8 years. This our 10 year old son Liam, our 5 year old daughter Aaliyah and our 1 year old daughter Grace" Niall told him and he smiled. "So do so you all want some sweets?" Billy asked the kids and they nodded. "Yes please" Liam and Aaliyah said. "Good manners, you've raised them well" he told me and Niall making us smile.


We walked into a baby clothes shops to look for some new clothes for Grace dice slot of them have a few stains on them because she is a very messy baby. I recognised the woman behind the till. "Becca?" I asked. She turned around. "Oh my god! Y/n!" She said running round the counter and hugging me. Rebecca was my best friend in high school. "And hello Niall, I guess it lasted then!" She said. Niall furrowed his eyebrows. "When we were in year 10 she had the biggest crush on you , obviously because that's when you asked her out, but she would never shit up about you, every conversation we had she would bring you up" she told Niall and he chuckled. "So are you both married?" She asked . I nodded. "For 8 years " I told her and she smiled. "So these 3, are they yours? Because they look a lot like Niall" she asked gesturing to our 3 children. "Yeah they are our children" I told her. "This is Liam, he's 10, Aaliyah, she's 5 and Grace, she's 1" I said pointing to each child. "Aww they are so cute, I have 2 boys" she said. "What are their names and how old are they?" I asked. "They're twins, they're called Ethan and Grayson, they're 7" She told me


I was now pushing Graces pram and Liam was at the side of Niall and Aaliyah was holding Niall's hand.

"Mummy? Daddy?" Aaliyah questioned. "What princess?" Niall asked looking down at her. "Can we go to the fair over there" she said pointing to the fair we was planning on going to. "We are going there now" He told her. "Yay!" She said and smiled


We got back to Mauras house. Niall was carrying Liam who was asleep, Aaliyah was walking but she was very tired and Grace was asleep. We got in and Niall took Liam to bed while I took Grace to bed and then we went back downstairs. "So what did you do?" Maura asked. "We went round town for a bit and then took them to the fair" Niall told her. "Daddy I'm tired" Aaliyah said sleepily. Niall picked her up and carried her upstairs with me following behind . "Aaliyah before you go to sleep put these on" Niall said giving her some of her pyjamas. Niall and I got changed, Niall just had sweatpants on and no shirt and I had my pyjamas on. We got into bed, Aaliyah lied on Niall's chest and I lied next to Niall. Aaliyah had fallen asleep but Niall and I where still awake. "You know since we've been here your accent has come out a lot more" I whispered. "Really?" He asked. "Yeah, must be because your around so many people with the same accent" I said. "Is it a good thing or a bad thing that it's more prominent?" He asked. "It's a good thing, don't worry, I like it, I think it's sexy " I said and heard him chuckle. I was originally from London but moved to Ireland when I was 8, I did pick up a bit of the accent but because Niall and I live in London my London accent has come back. "Goodnight Nialler" I said and pecked his lips. "Goodnight princess" he whispered and we both fell asleep.

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