#40 your child falls asleep on him

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Lillie is 3 and you have no other children

Your POV

I was sat on the sofa watching a series on Netflix. Niall was next to me on his phone with our 3 year old daughter cuddled up to him on his lap.

I looked over at lillie and she looked very tired. "Do you want to go to bed sweetheart?" I asked lillie . she shook her head. "I wanna stay here" she said. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yeah I wanna stay with daddy" she said and niall wrapped his arms around her.

Niall's POV

Y/n was watching something on Netflix while I was playing on my phone and lillie was cuddled up to me on my lap. I was scrolling through twitter and following some fans.
"Daddy" lillie said quietly. I moved my phone and looked down at her. "What princess?" I asked. "Can you pway with my hair?" She asked sweetly. She loved people playing with her hair. I put my phone down on the coffee table and played with Lillie's hair while she buried her head in my chest. I watched the program that y/n was watching while I was playing with my daughters hair.

"Niall" y/n said after 15 minutes. "Hmm?" I asked looking over at her. "She's fell asleep on you again" y/n said smiling. I looked down at my little princess sleep in in my lap. "She looks so cute, I'm gonna take her to bed" I said and y/n nodded. "I'll be back in a minute" I said. I stood up with lillie in my arms. I carried her upstairs to her bedroom and put her down on her bed gently. I switched her nightlight on and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight princess, love you" I whispered. I walked to the door and switched the light off. I went out her room and closed her door but left it open a little. "Love you too daddy" I heard her whisper making me smile.

I went downstairs and sat down next to y/n.

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