He looks after the children on his own for the weekend

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In this one you have three daughters together and a son on the way.

Lillie-5 Grace-5 Aaliyah-3

Niall's POV

Y/n had gone to America for a few days for her aunties wedding. I was invited but it would be too much hassle with the girls so I decided to stay home and let y/n go. Y/n was currently 6 months pregnant with a baby boy.


I was woke up by 3 little girls bouncing on my bed. Aaliyah accidentally jumped on my knee that I had surgery on. "Ow! Aaliyah that was daddy's sore knee" I told her. She stopped bouncing and lied down cuddling into me. "Sorry daddy" she said. "It's alright" I said.
Lillie lied on the other side of me and Grace decided to lie on my chest. She smiled up at me. "Morning daddy!" She said cutely. "Good morning my three little princesses!" I said. "Daddy I'm hungry" Lillie whined. I chuckled. "Come in then let's go make breakfast!" I said getting out of bed. I had my sweatpants on and no shirt. Lillie and Grace ran downstairs and Aaliyah stayed sat on the bed. "Are you coming?" I asked her raising my eyebrows making her giggle. She raised her arms up. I smiled and picked her up. "Can I have a kiss?" I said while carrying her downstairs. She nodded and kissed my cheek and then my lips.

I walked into the kitchen, Lillie and Grace where sat at the breakfast bar waiting. I put Aaliyah down on the chair next to Grace. All three of them liked to eat there breakfast there because they could see me and y/n in the kitchen when we make it for them, they say that they liked watching us cook.

I made 9 pancakes in total. I got four plates out of the cupboard. I gave the girls two pancakes each and I had three. I got some plastic knifes out and a jar of Nutella. I cut up some fruit and put it into a bowl. I placed the plastic knives, jar of Nutella and bowl of fruit on to the breakfast bar in front of the girl. Lillie took a piece of banana and ate it. I raised my eyebrows at her making her laugh.
I placed there plates in front of them and I sat at the end of the breakfast bar next to Aaliyah.

After breakfast we all went into the living room and watched a movie. It was Graces turn to to pick a movie and she chose toy story. I sat on the sofa, Aaliyah was on my lap and Lillie and Grace where on either side of me cuddling up to me. I loved spending Time with them even if we where just relaxing.

"Daddy?" Grace asked halfway through the third film . "Hmm?" I asked looking at her. Aaliyah was leaned back against my chest sleeping and Lillie was watching the film. "Why are you so hairy?" She asked posting to my chest hair. I chuckled at her question. "Because boys are more hairy than girls" I told her. "Will I be hairy when I'm big like you?" She asked. "No, your a girl and girls aren't as hairy as boys" I chuckled.

It was now 9pm. Me and the girls had watched movies all day. Lillie and Aaliyah were asleep but Grace was still awake but she was very tired.
"I'm going to take Lillie to bed and then I'll take Aaliyah, just wait here and then I'll carry you to bed" I told her and she nodded. "Can I sleep with you tonight daddy?" She asked. "Of course princess" I told her picking Lillie up. I carried Lillie upstairs to her bedroom. I lied her down in her bed and put her blankets over her. I kissed her cheek and loved her hair out of her face. "Goodnight princess, I love you" I said . I left the room, I turned her night light on and left the door open a tiny bit. I went back downstairs and picked Aaliyah up. "I'll be back for you in a minute princess" I told Grace and she nodded rubbing her eyes sleepily.
I carried Aaliyah into her bedroom and lied her down on her small bed. I covered her with her blankets and placed her teddy bear next to her. I kissed her cheek. "Love you princess, goodnight" I said turning her night light on. I left the room, leaving the door open just how she liked it.

I went back downstairs and Grace was waiting on the couch. "Are you tired princess?" I asked her and she nodded rubbing her eyes. I picked her up and carried her into my bedroom.
I turned the lights off and got into bed with her. Grace lied at the side of me with her arm over my stomach and her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her closer to me. "Goodnight daddy" she whispered. "Goodnight baby girl, Love you" I whispered kissing her head. "I love you too daddy" she said closing her eyes and falling asleep. I checked twitter, and tweeted and then fell asleep myself.

Niall_official: Looking after three little girls is hard! But spending time with my three daughters is one of my favourite things to do💕

Niall_official: Today Grace asked me a weird question
Grace- Daddy why are you so hairy?
Me-because boys are more hairy than girls
Grace- will I be hairy when I'm big like you?
Me- no because you're a girl and girls aren't as hairy as boys
These girls make me laugh every day, the questions they ask sometimes are hilarious 😂

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