Hes protective of your daughter

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Niall, me , our 11 year old son Luke and our 7 year old daughter Grace sat at the table for dinner.

"Where's Aaliyah?" I asked noticing our 14 year old daughters absence. "She's in the garden talking to her boyfriend on the phone" Luke said casually. "What! Boyfriend!?" Niall said. "Niall calm down" I said .

He stood up and went out into the back garden. "You two stay here and eat your dinner" I said to Luke and Grace while I went after Niall.

Niall's POV

I went up to my daughter Aaliyah taking her phone out of her hand. "Hello! Yes this is her dad and you will not be seeing or talking to my daughter again!" I said into the phone and ending the call.

"Dad! What the hell!?" Aaliyah shouted. "When did I tell you that you could start dating!?" I said. "Dad I'm 14! I can make my own decisions!" She yelled. "Exactly your 14! And I don't want you dating!" I said. "Why! Your so annoying! I can't do anything ! I hate you!"she yelled and stormed upstairs, slamming her bedroom door.

Y/n appeared behind me. "You were a little harsh, I'm sure you where dating when you were 14" she said to me."I know but she...she just cant" I said. "Niall she's growing up wether you like it or not, she's at the age when she's looking at boys and boys are looking at her" she said. "I don't want anyone looking at her" I said. "Niall, just face the fact that she's not a little girl anymore, she's growing up, now go talk to her and apologise!" She said. "You won't be saying that when Luke starts dating" I mumbled. "Shush! Don't say that!" She giggled and I rolled my eyes. "I'll go talk to her and give her this back" I said holding up her phone and y/n nodded.


I knocked on her bedroom door and walked in. "Go away!" She mumbled. She was lied on the bed face down and by the sound of it she was crying.
"Hey princess" I said sitting on her bed and rubbing her back. "Look at me love" I said and she sat up facing me. "Is sorry princess" I whispered wiping some of her tears. "You ruined everything! I really liked him" she said crying. "I know! I know! And I feel like an idiot for doing it but just call him and tell him I'm a weirdo" I said and she laughed lightly. "Why did you do it? Why did you say I couldn't date?" She asked looking up at me.

"Well, I just hate the fact that your growing up , if it I'd don't choice I'd have you stay a 1 year old forever but obviously that's not happening whether I like it or not. Your growing up , too quick for my liking. But no matter how old you get, I'll still see you as the little crazy 3 year old girl that would always put makeup on me and have tea parties with her teddy bears and be a massive daddy's girl" I said and she smiled.

She hugged me and I hugged her back. "I might not be a little 3 year old anymore, but I'm definitely still a massive daddy's girl and that won't change" she said and I smiled kissing her head. "I love you princess" I said. "I love you too dad" she said and I smiled.

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