#65 He is asked about your miscarriage in an interview

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Liam and Luke are 13, lillie is the one you miscarried

Today Niall had an interview. One direction was still around but they don't don't work don't work as much as they used to because everyone has their own families now. I was hanging up a large version of our daughters ultrasound picture that we got made.

"Princess I need to go now" Niall says walking into the living room holding his jacket. "Okay, have fun, love you" I tell him puckering my lips. "I love you too" he says kissing me. He kisses liam and Luke on the cheek even though they are 1 and leaves the house.

At the Interview (no one's pov)

The boys came on stage and Sat on the sofa opposite James Corden. (if you don't know who he is, what do you do with your life ;) )
"So how long has one direction been together now? It's been a while hasn't it" James says. The boys and James were quite good friends so it was just like having a catch up. "It's been like what 16 years now" Liam said. "Wow that is a long time most by bands last for 5 years" James said. "Yeah but we said that we wouldn't be like them in one of our first interviews with you" Harry said making the audience chuckle. "Well I guess you was right" James said

Time skip

"Okay so this next question I am being forced to ask so I don't want to upset anyone" James says. "So Niall recently the media has had a lot of rumours about your wife having a miscarriage, you don't have to answer if you dot want to" James adds. Niall looks down quickly and gulps. He looks back at James. "Yeah, she did" He says sadly. James looks at him. "I am so sorry for your loss, did you know the gender?" He asked. Niall would probably feel better talking about it. "Yeah we did, we were going to have a little girl" Niall tells him. "Aww I feel like I'm being really horrible making you talk about this" James admits. "Don't worry, it would probably do me good if I talk about it" Niall says. "Did you get any ultrasound photos? " James asked. Niall nodded. "We have 2 different ultrasound pictures and we had a 3rd scan about a week before it happened" Niall tells James and pulls out the 3d scan from his wallet to show James. "Awww" James says as he looks at it. "She would've had your eyes" James says making Niall smile slightly. James gives Niall the photo back and he puts it in his wallet again.

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