#86 He makes pizzas with your daughter

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His pov

Y/n had gone to work and I had the day off and was looking after our 4 year old daughter Aaliyah.

The boys where all over and we where talking in the living room and Aaliyah was on my lap. "Remember that interview we did with capital when we said that we thought Niall and Harry would be the last ones to get tied down?" Liam said.
"Yeah, you got it wrong though, Niall was the first to get married and have a kid" Louis said. All of the boys where married but only me and Harry had children. Harry has 2 year old twins, Darcy and Ellis.


All of the boys had gone back home and now it was just me and Aaliyah. "What do you want for dinner princess? You can have anything you want" I said. She furrowed her eyebrows . "Ummm" she said. "Can we make pizzas!?" She asked excited. "Yeah, but we will have to go and buy ingredients" I told her and she nodded standing up. She ran over to me and grabbed my hand pulling me to the door. "I need my keys first princess" I chuckled picking up my keys from the coffee table. We went outside, me locking the door behind me, and I put her in her car seat and got in myself.


"Daddy, I can't see or reach up there! " Aaliyah said. "Oh yeah, I forgot you are a shortie! " I joked. "Hey! I'm not short!" She said. "But you are, you're like a baby!" I said while putting a stool in front of the counter for her to sand on. I lifted her up and stood her on the stool.

We made the dough and I rolled mine out into a circle and she tried to roll hers out. "Do you need help princess?" I asked. "Yeah, it's hard" she said. I rolled her dough out for her and set all of the topping in front of us. "Put some of this in the middle and spread it out with a spoon" I instructed while showing her how to do it.
She did it and smiled in achievement. "No put whatever you want on it!" I said starting to put toppings on my pizza.

"Don't eat the cheese! We need that!" I said to her chuckling. "But is so goood! " She said. I rolled my eyes. "You're a strange child, very strange" I said to myself. "You're a strange daddy! " She giggled. "it looks so good, look at it daddy" she said. I glanced at her pizza. "Wow, you're like a mini chef" I exclaimed and she smiled. "Now I'll put them in the oven" I said and out the pizzas in the oven.

Your pov

I walked through the door for my lunch break and didn't see niall or Aaliyah. I heard them talking in the kitchen. I went to the kitchen and they where making pizzas, I took a picture of them both for Twitter and they didn't notice I was there so I went to the living room and sat down. 15 minutes later they came in with their pizzas. "Oh, hi princess I didn't know you where here" Niall said sitting next to me. "How was making you're pizzas?" I asked. "Good part from someone kept eating the toppings" he said raising his eyebrows looking at Aaliyah who was happily eating her pizza. She giggled.

Y/n_Horan: Came home to my 2 favourite people making pizzas together. According to Niall , Aaliyah kept eating the toppings! Like father, like daughter! :) @Niall_official

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