#74 request for PII098

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I hope I got the plot right

Emma's pov

I was currently 7 months pregnant with mine mine and Niall's first children which are twin boys.

"Niall are we still meeting up with Natalie today?" I asked Niall while putting my coat on. "Yeah, we are meeting her in starbucks " He told me as we walked to the car. I've only ever met Natalie a few times and I'm still not very fond of her, it's just something about her that I don't like.


We arrived in starbucks and so Natalie sitting in a booth. We walked to her. "Hey Niall! " she said in a flirty way while twisting her hair. "Hey Nat" he replied kissing her cheek in a friendly gesture. She turned to me and glanced at my stomach in disgust. "Hello Emma" she said glaring slightly. "Hello Natalie" I replied , sitting down next to Niall.

Niall had gone to get the drinks. "So how far along are you?" She asked. "7 months" I told her and she nodded . "You've not got very long to adapt to being a single mum have you?" She replied. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "Excuse me?" I asked ."Well Niall hates you, he's gonna leave you once the things born" she said gesturing to my stomach. "W..What? "I asked in confusion. "He always talks bad about you to me, he said your clingy , annoying and many other things, he told me that he is going to leave you soon" she said leaning on the table with a sly Smirk. I bit my lip slightly. "Oh I forgot to tell you, he loves me not you, so stay away from my man! He's only stay in until the babies are born" She whispered smirking .

Niall returned with our drinks. "Thanks" I mumbled raring at the table. I didn't really say anything for the rest of the time we where there.


Niall and I where watching tv while cuddled up on the sofa and he was rubbin my stomach. I decided to ask about what Natalie said. "Niall?" I asked nervously. "Hmm?" He replied turning his head towards me. "Is what Natalie told me true?" I asked. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "What did she tell you?" He asked. "Please just don't lie to me okay? " I told him. He looked at me confused. "Okay"

"She told me that you had been saying things about me to her, like that I'm clingy and you find me annoying" I told him. "She then said that your going to leave me soon because you love her and that you are only staying for the twins" I added looking at him. His face turned from confused to angry.  "She said that to you?" he asked. I nodded. "I can't believe her! And to think she was supposed to be my best friend! " he said trying not to yell.

He put his arm around me and pulled me into his chest.  "Don't listen to that bitch, I love you and only you and I am not sticking around until our boys are born , I'm sticking around forever Emma" he told me. I smiled and pecked his lips. "I love you too Nialler" I whispered .

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