#3 Your daughter dies

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It's was 6 months ago that Lillie was diagnosed with cancer. The doctors said she was lucky to last this long. She had been in hospital for the past 3 months because it got worse. The 3 months before that she just had to come to hospital alot to have chemo therapy but It didn't work so they are trying their best for her.

You and niall were sat in Lillie hospital room with her. She turned 4 last month and she had to spend it in hospital since she couldn't come home, but the doctors let the whole family in the room with her, including Niall's parents, his brother and his nephew and sister in law and your family came too.

You and niall were sat on both sides of her bed and holding her hands. "Mummy" she said and I looked  her. "What baby?" I asked. "I love you, Liam, Luke, Noah and daddy" she said and smiled weakly."awe we all love you too princess" Niall said and kissed her forehead. "Daddy, why we're you and mummy crying when you were talking to the doctor?" She asked niall and he looked over to you with a sad look. Earlier this morning you and niall were given the news that Lillie only had a few days to Live before she passes away and she must have seen you both crying. As soon as you found out the news you told the boys and our families and Liam and his girlfriend offered to look after the boys for you so you could spend time with Lillie.

Lillie started fidgeting so you instantly thought something was's wrong."are you okay Lillie?" I asked and she nodded. "I just want to cuddle with you and daddy."she said quietly. Niall lifted her up carefully because there were so many wires attached to her and put her on his lap and he motioned for you to sit next to him so you did and he put his arm around you. "I Love you Mummy" she said. "I love you too beautiful" I said. "I love you daddy" she said weakly, her voice going weaker by the second. You and niall both knew that you could lose your beautiful little girl any day now. "I love you too princess " he said and kissed her. "Lots and lots " he whispered.

10 minutes had past and Lillie was asleep on Niall's lap. But the heart machine suddenly had a straight line across the screen and here was a loud beeping noise. The doctors came rushing in and they disconnected all of the wires for her tiny body and left you and niall alone with Lillie for a final time.  You broke down crying and kissed your daughter. Niall also broke down crying, he had tried to stay strong for us all for the past 6 months. . Your daughter had died. She had died in Niall's arms. And her last words were 'I love you daddy'

1 week later
You had told the boys, your son's and both yours and Niall's families about Lillie passing away. Her funeral was yesterday and it was princess themed.

Flashback to funeral (Niall's pov)

Y/n already said a speech. It was my turn to say a speech. Lillie's funeral was princess themed. We had lots of friends and family at the funeral."My beautiful little princess Lillie Grace Horan was too young to leave us. My gorgeous little girl, my only little girl, taken away from us too soon. I would much rather it have been me in that position and not her. My only wish now, is to hear her cute little giggle again, to cover her face in kisses again, to have tickle fights with her, to  cuddle with her one more time. I love you Lillie Grace and you will never ever be forgotten. She was a daddy's girl.i only got to spend 4 years with you but I know that you had a happy life and we all loved you. Daddy loves you princess." I said. I had only said about half of my speech.  "Lillie was the best daughter I could ask for. I never thought I would ever attend my child's funeral especially when they are 4. Nobody thinks that they will attend their baby girls funeral.  But when it happens it..I.it...I..I..can't.im sorry! " I said while breaking down crying. I tried to wipe my tears but I just kept crying. I walked off stage and my mum came over to me and hugged me."crying is nothing to be ashamed of" she said. "I., i..I..just.m..M. ..miss her!" I said . "I know we all do, I could never imagine the pain your going through now Nialler" she said.

End of flashback.

Your pov

The fans still didn't know about Lillies death so you and niall decided to tweet and the boys also tweeted tweeted a few words

(Wattpad being weird and not letting me put a username including @ in it so it just says who tweeted it.)

Niall - Sadly my perfect Little princess Lillie passed away last week after a long battle with cancer. She was too young to go but she had an amazing life and we all loved her very much. Rest in peace my beautiful little angel. Daddy loves you lots and lots

You- Rest in peace my gorgeous little angel. Remember that me, daddy and your brothers love you very much.  I love you baby. RIP Lillie

Liam- Rest in peace little Lillie. My heart aches for Niall, y/n and their family I'm always here for you. #RIPLillieHoran #RIPBabyHoran

Louis - My thoughts are with Niall and y/n and this time. I know how much of a Daddy's girl Lillie was and I know that she will be looking down on you all. Rip little angel. #RIPLillieHoran #RIPBabyHoran

Harry - my favourite niece, my only niece. I feel so sorry for y/n, Niall and their family at this heartbreaking time. Heaven gained a special angel. RIP Lillie you will never be forgotten. I Love You. #RIPLillieHoran #RIPBabyHoran

Later that night you found out that the fans had gotten #RIPLillieHoran and #RIPBabyHoran trending.  You clicked on the hashtag and read some of the tweets there was not one hateful comment. Niall really had some amazing fans.

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