#73 Request for KimmyHoran89

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I don't know if you wanted 2 or 3 son's so I have done 3 in this.

Liam and luke - age 13 Noah - age 7 lillie- 1 month

Hope you like it Kim x

Kim's pov

"Niall are you sure you will be fine with the kids?" I asked while holding our baby daughter Lillie. "Yes, you don't need to worry about us, your only going food shopping anyway" he said taking Lillie from me. "Now you go, I have everything under control" he said pushing me playfully making me chuckle. "Okay bye Niall" I said pecking his lips. "Bye bye baby" I added is sing lillies forehead. "Bye boys!" I shouted through the house to my 3 son's.  "Bye mum!" They chorused.


I pushed the shopping cart around the different aisles.  "What do I need?" I whispered to myself. I started in the baby aisle, getting some nappys, baby wipes and baby food for Lillie. I then went to the fruit and veg aisle and started to place different fruit and veg in the cart. Paparazzi suddenly swarmed me. "Is it true the baby isn't Niall's? Or any of them?" "Why aren't you looking after your children?" "Are you starting a diet" "your gonna need it" . Those where some of the hateful comments said to me.

I decided to pay for the items I had and left. I sat in my car for a while thinking about the comments I heard. They where kinda right. I still hadn't lost the baby fat from being pregnant with Lillie. I sighed and began my journey home.


I got home and placed the shopping I had managed to get on the kitchen counter. I leaned against the counter sighing as I thought about the hurtful comments. Do people not understand that those comments hurt. "Hey princess" Niall said walking into the room with a sleeping Lillie in his arms and our 3 son's behind him. "Liam, Luke , Noah you out the shopping away for your mum" he told them. "What's up?" He asked standing next to me. "Paparazzi being the rude and horrible people they are" I told him looking down. "What have they said to you? Just don't listen to them Kim they are just jealous because you are everything there not" he told me rubbing my back with one hand. I took Lillie from him. "They where just saying hurtful things like are the kids Niall's and why are you still fat and you're gonna need to go on a diet" I told him smiling sadly.

"Kim, please don't listen to them , you're perfect and so what if you still have baby fat , it's only because you carried our beautiful angel, just please don't listen to hem, you are the most amazing person ever and I love you the way you are" he told me and I smiled. "I love you too Niall" I replied and pecked his lips.

"Mum?"Liam said . "What's wrong Li?" I asked him. "Why do the paparazzi say things like that? They need to respect people!" He said and i nodded agreeing with what he said. "They just do it because they have nothing better to do so they go and say negative things to people" I told him and he nodded. "it they eve say anything to you, don't listen to them, you are the best mum ever" he sid hugging me. I smiled and hugged him back.

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