Your baby is premature

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In this imagine, there where oaks to you after giving birth to the baby early which has resulted to you being in a coma and the baby having life threatening conditions , for example she can't breath properly.


Niall's POV

My mum and dad are at the hospital with me. My baby girl, Aaliyah Grace Horan, is now 3 days old. Not long after Aaliyah was born y/n fell into a coma.

I was sat at the side of my baby's incubator, where she was fighting for her life, y/n fighting for her life in another hospital room. I had my hand through the hole in the incubator and Aaliyah's hand was wrapped around my finger as I looked at her, she barely moved, but it was reassuring seeing her tiny chest move up and down.

I felt a presence behind me. I turned around and saw my mum and dad. I smiled sadly at them and the sat down next to me. "Are you okay niall?" My mum asked. "You haven't spoken for the past two days, I'm worried about you" she said. I nodded returning my gaze to the tiny baby girl. "You're not fine, Niall you're my son, I know you're not okay" my dad said and tears suddenly started escaping my eyes, sobs escaping my lips. My mum hugged me. "I can t stand to see them both like this! The two most important people are fighting for their life! I don't want to lose them! It just kills me to see them like this!" I cried into her shoulder.i felt my dad shift and started to rub my back. "I know they will both make it through this,it might take a while but y/n is a strong woman and I'm sure the baby is just as strong" My dad said.


@NiallOfficial: I'm so happy you're here princess, but I hate to see you having to fight for your life, I hope you and your mummy makes it through, I couldn't imagine my life without you both 😪 x

@NiallOfficial: I'm so happy you're here princess, but I hate to see you having to fight for your life, I hope you and your mummy makes it through, I couldn't imagine my life without you both 😪 x

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